
dealing with dual sim

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello there,

there is this one little thing that I would love to find a solution for

I use two sims in my phone
one for private
one for pro

my problem is that
no matter on which phone number I receive my sms
the just all go at the same inbox

and this can get very messy
when I received a lot of sms
so that I don't know any more which sms arrived on which number
and some message often get "lost"
meaning I forget about them and then I never reply

I've tried many apps
but none of them allow to synchronize the inbox with a specific sim
nor offer the possibility for two different inbox

I guess it's not that simple if it does not exist yet

I've tried different things
my last move was to tweak the sms app using shelter
but then when I wanted to tweak my system settings too
to change the sim I would be using with my pro account
I could not not have graphic interface for the system setting

I'm now running out of ideas
would you have any suggestions for me ??

my next shot would be to emulate an other android to my phone
to be able to have one android with one sim
and an other android emulated with the other sim

but it seems crazy to emulate a whole system
just to change a parameter in the settings

I hope a lighter solution exists



The biggest issue for me is because the inbox would be divided into 2 based on the operator; not the uniqueness of the simcards. This can be misleading because in case you swap out simcards you may believe you received the sms in the inbox for the service provider on that simcard, when indeed you received from the simcard before the swap.

Now in the case you swap out your simcard, what happens to the inbox used by the previous simcard - if classified as the inbox for the new simcard because of same operator it will be a UI/UX failure (big problem). To solve this all the messages are stored in the same inbox (which implies received by a simcard in the device).

Simcards do have their own SMS inboxes however, which allows them to store messages seperate from the device's databases. That however requires the messages to sent in a specific class of SMS in order for the messages to be stored there by default.

A filter can exist to seperate the various operators, but would require an even better way of informing the users that the messages implies operator and not simcard (because they could send a reply from the wrong simcard otherwise).

I will keep this opened as an enhancement, and will welcome any PR that can help on this issue

I have to say I don't really get it
but thanks anyway for trying to figure out something

it would be nice
if I could at least manage two inboxes
sorting the messages out as they come
even if it just works as label