
The type or namespace name 'OptionSetValueCollection' could not be found

plantoschka opened this issue · 3 comments

We're still using Dynamics 365 v8.2 (onPrem) and I receive this error when upgrading to the newest XrmContext NuGetPackage (v1.7.1).

I think OptionSetValueCollection is a new feature in v9.

Is it still possible to use a newer version of XrmContext in a v8 enviroment?

You're correct. We never created different versions of XrmContext for different SDK's, like we did for XrmMockup. It is not a high priority for us to support older versions, since Microsoft has been, and still is, pushing for everyone to get on cloud and one version.

@plantoschka : I recall having generated XrmContext sometime ago against a v8.2 without issues. - However, as @magesoe mentioned, Microsoft is pushing for cloud and latest version.

Even though latest v8 (December 2016 Service Pack for Dynamics 365) is in theory supported until January 2021, in practice you should be upgrading to latest v9.x in order to get proper support from Microsoft as well as XrmContext ;)

Fixed in 3.0.