
Make an input file for nullarbor under diverse conditions.

Primary LanguagePython



The goal of this script is to produce a nullarbor input file. It is designed to be quite flexible.


Creating input file by regex pattern

Assuming one has a folder with read files, which may or may not be organised into subfolders according to isolate/sample, and you want all the reads that match a regular expression 'myreads[0-9]{4}'. So, each read file starts with myreads and is followed by exactly four numbers, you would do the following:

    nullarbor-reads --seq_path /path/to/seqs/folder --id_pattern myreads[0-9]{4} input.tab

The input.tab is the only argument for nullarbor-reads, and is the output filename, where the nullarbor input file will be saved to.

--seq_path only needs to be defined if outside of the sequence folder. The default for --seq_path is '.'.

If you want to see what is going on, run it with --verbose:

    nullarbor-reads --id_pattern myreads[0-9]{4} --verbose input.tab

Creating input file by idfile

Assuming you have a tab-delimited file (TSV) with one ore more columns, and one column has the ID of the isolates of interest, one can run

    nullarbor-reads --seq_path /path/to/seqs/folder --idfile isolates.txt input.tab

If the ID column is not the first (but the 3rd, for instance), and there is a header row, just use the following:

    nullarbor-reads --seq_path /path/to/seqs/folder --idfile isolates.txt --col_number 3 --header_true input.tab

If you want to search deeper sub-folders levels

Assuming your sequence folder has more than one level of subfolders:


You can increase the maximum level to search with the --level flag:

    nullarbor-reads --seq_path /path/to/seqs/folder --idfile isolates.txt --level 2 input.tab

If you want to exclude files/folders with certain keywords

Assuming you have multiple sequence files for each isolate/sample, but you want to exclude some:

    nullarbor-reads --seq_path /path/to/seqs/folder --idfile isolates.txt --exclude old --exclude CLIPPED input.tab

In the above, any files/subfolders with that have old or CLIPPED in the name will be excluded. You can add as many --exclude as you need.

If your read files don't have a traditional extension, or there are a mix of extensions

By default, nullarbor-reads will search for any files with the following four extensions: fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fq.gz. If you want to add to this list just use the following:

    nullarbor-reads --seq_path /path/to/seqs/folder --idfile isolates.txt --alt_extension fa input.tab

If your PE reads are not named with 'R1' and 'R2'

By default nullarbor-reads expects that read files will be annotated with 'R1' and 'R2' to distinguish among the pair of files for a single sample. Similarly to --exclude you can add as many new strings to distinguish among read files in a pair as you want. So, if you had read pairs that were separated by read1 and read2, you would do the following:

    nullarbor-reads --seq_path /path/to/seqs/folder --idfile isolates.txt --read1_pat read1 --read2_pat read2 input.tab


1. Add some logic to resolve conflict. If there is more than a single pair of files
which one should be chosen.
    --- One possibility is to use last date modified.