RuleBuilder doesn't create a Rule with action type RuleChainActionType.ERROR_ON_FAILURE
chandmanish opened this issue · 2 comments
I was expecting by using RuleBuilder.create(GoldenRule.class, RuleChainActionType.ERROR_ON_FAILURE)
I an create a Rule which will throw RuleException in case of a error while executing the rule. But it didn't work and when I investigate it in detail I found that RuleBuilder will never create a Rule with RuleChainActionType.ERROR_ON_FAILURE action.
In my understanding the private method private Rule<T, U> newRule()
creates a new instance of the Rule. in this method a Rule with a RuleChainActionType is instantiated only in the first condition when action type is STOP_ON_FAILURE (line 168 of RuleBuilder). there is no other place where the Rule is created with RuleChainActionType as second parameter.
I saw that at line 176 of the RuleBuilder the second parameter in the constructor is resultType return (Rule)constructor.newInstance(this._factType, this._resultType);
But the GoldenRule class doesn't have a constructor for this combination.
Can this be a bug , actionType should be passed as second parameter instead of resultType
I'm facing the exact same issue, it doesn't matter whether I'm setting this in rulebookbuiler or rulebuilder. GolenRule class has a logic where it checks if action type is "STOP_ONFAILURE" and then constructs it. I guess it shouldn't have that "IF" conditon and it should just proceed with creating construction using action type.
Just encountered the same issue. Looks like ERROR_ON_FAILURE
currently only works when defining Rules with annotated POJOs using @Rule(ruleChainAction = RuleChainActionType.ERROR_ON_FAILURE)
Quite a deal-breaker for me. I'm currently working around this by post-processing all my rules and setting the private _actionType
field using reflection.
I'm using Spring and all my rules are beans, so I can do it like this:
static BeanPostProcessor errorOnFailureGoldenRulePostProcessor() {
Field actionTypeField = FieldUtils.getField(GoldenRule.class, "_actionType");
return new BeanPostProcessor() {
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {
if (bean instanceof GoldenRule<?, ?> goldenRule) {
ReflectionUtils.setField(actionTypeField, goldenRule, RuleChainActionType.ERROR_ON_FAILURE);
return bean;
This will of course only work if you need all rules to use this action type.