Get-DeviceList.ps1 only returns 100 hosts
jzcmyz opened this issue · 2 comments
jzcmyz commented
RaajeevKalyan commented
50 may be the default - sounds like a possible bug in pagination logic - do you have between 100 and 150 devices?
xujiepeng commented
50 is default num in each url api request. So I modify the get_device_list() function.
I have 230 devices, it works.
def __get_device_list(self):
base_link_url = self.__base_uri + '/api/DeviceService/Devices'
self.json_data = {}
data = self.__get_device_from_uri(base_link_url)
total = 0
if data['@odata.count'] <= 0:
print("No devices managed by %s" % self.__session_input["ip"])
return False
total = data['@odata.count']
self.json_data['value'] = data['value']
for n in range(1,int(math.ceil(total / 50.0))):
next_link_url = base_link_url + "?$skip=" + str(n*50) + "&$top=50"
data = self.__get_device_from_uri(next_link_url)
self.json_data['value'] += data['value']
return True