Job history of iDRAC using Redfish-Ansible module
Closed this issue · 5 comments
I am in need of a Redfish API that can validate if a particular job is run most recently in iDRAC 9.
For example:
Remote diagnostic.
Scheduled tart time:
Scheduled end time.
Can we use the redfish URL ?
But we cannot use the job-id because that will vary unlike job name "Remote Diagnostics".
As part of the script we need to collect the such job and its id
Would appreciate your support.
Ashok Behera
@ashokbeh, I am guessing following is the workflow that you are looking to automate using ansible:
- Find out whether there are any Remote Diagnostics jobs are running.
- If yes, then monitor the existing job till completion or failure
- If not, then create a new remote diagnostics job and monitor the job till completion or failure.
An ansible-roleidrac_diagnostics
would be the best for realizing the above workflow. In the meanwhile, following is a sample playbook:
- name: Get the job queue
url: "https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Oem/Dell/Jobs?$expand=*"
user: "root"
password: "Dell_123"
validate_certs: False
force_basic_auth: yes
method: GET
Accept: "application/json"
OData-Version: "4.0"
status_code: 200
register: job_queue_response
- name: check if a diagnostics job is still running
diag_jobs: "{{ job_queue_response.json.Members | selectattr('Name', 'eq', 'Remote Diagnostics') }}"
- job_queue_response.json["Members@odata.count"] > 0
- ansible.builtin.debug:
var: diag_jobs
- block:
- name: get the diag job ID if still running
diag_job_id: "{{ item.Id }}"
diag_job_running: True
- item.JobState == "Running"
loop: "{{ diag_jobs }}"
- diag_jobs is defined and diag_jobs|length > 0
- ansible.builtin.debug:
msg: "{{ diag_job_id }} {{ diag_job_running }}"
- diag_job_id is defined and diag_job_running is defined
- block:
- name: run diagnostics
url: "https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Oem/Dell/DellLCService/Actions/DellLCService.RunePSADiagnostics"
user: "root"
password: "Dell_123"
validate_certs: False
force_basic_auth: yes
method: POST
Accept: "application/json"
Content-Type: "application/json"
OData-Version: "4.0"
RebootJobType: "GracefulRebootWithoutForcedShutdown"
RunMode: "Express"
body_format: json
status_code: [200, 202]
register: diag_response
- name: get the job ID
diag_job_id: "{{ diag_response.location.split('/')[-1] }}"
- (diag_job_running is not defined) or (not diag_job_running)
- name: track job till completion
idrac_ip: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
idrac_user: "{{ user }}"
idrac_password: "{{ password }}"
job_id: "{{ diag_job_id }}"
register: result
until: result.job_info.JobStatus == "Completed" or result.job_info.JobStatus == "Failed"
failed_when: result.job_info.JobStatus == "Failed"
retries: 6
delay: 300
- diag_job_id
Hi Anupamaloke,
Thank you for sharing the sample Ansible playbook.
I will test and confirm.
Also, to know the most recent "Remote Diagnostic" before we run the next diagnostic test on iDRAC, can we use
URL /redfish/v1/Dell/Managers//DellLCService/Actions/ ?
- _DellLCService.ExportePSADiagnosticsResul
- Supported Action — ExportePSADiagnosticsResult
- Description
- This method exports the result file of the last completed diagnostics to a remote share (CIFS/NFS). The result file includes time
- stamps to show when the diagnostics was run.
- /redfish/v1/Dell/Managers//DellLCService/Actions/_
- DellLCService.ExportePSADiagnosticsResul
The export output contains all the components end time stamp.Thinking if it will be right to consider the end time of test of the last component.
Example: Ended: 09/21/2021 16:31:05, Elapsed time: 00:00:00
** System Management - Functional Test **
Started: 09/21/2021 16:31:05
IPMI Sep 21 2021 13:15:03 Warning. POST Pkg Repair: Memory sensor, redundancy degraded A4 was asserted.
3 records since last scan (Pass=2, Warning=1, Fail=0 Critical=0, Other=0)
Ended: 09/21/2021 16:31:05, Elapsed time: 00:00:00
Test Results : Warning
Msg : Event log - The log contains failing records **
Ashok Behera
@ashokbeh, you can use the /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Oem/Dell/DellLCService/Actions/DellLCService.ExportePSADiagnosticsResult
URI to export the diagnostics logs.
Closing this issue as there has been no update since long.
Thank you for you support Anup.