Early warning and error messages of the GUI are never displayed in the log panel
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Any log message which is emitted before the GUI log panel is created is never displayed in the log panel. It's only available in the odemis-gui.log. However, they might still be quite useful. For example, failures to load a plug-in are logged in such a way, and it makes it pretty difficult to the user to realise the plugin even failed to load.
=> When creating the log panel, immediately fill it up with all the log messages since the initialisation.
This is now improved by commit 0d97676, which ensures the log panel is created before logging the plugins.
A bug prevented the log button to turn into the right colour when an error was happening at the beginning, it's now solved.
Some very early messages might still not be there, but it's mostly ones that are either not so useful, or the GUI would fail to even start when an error is shown there anyway.