
Vue 3 with typescript setup. No types from vue3-circle-progress

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello ,

I spin up a new Vue 3 project with typescript from Vue CLI command. I open up my IDE and try to import CircleProgress from vue3-circle-progress.

I get error/warning from

Try `npm i --save-dev @types/vue3-circle-progress` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'vue3-circle-progress';`Vetur(7016)

Hello @vutran6853,

You can actually fix it by using the code below in any *.d.ts file in your project.

declare module 'vue3-circle-progress';


Well thank for quick solution. I would think this is not good solution since your plugin should have it for us. Try to provided some feedback on your tool.

I think this issue should not be close since you see more report on this if another user are using typescript and get same error.