
MatrixDocTop should be exposed through the delph-in docs site

emilymbender opened this issue · 1 comments

@EricZinda apologies but I can't quickly navigate back to where I would edit this myself. Somehow this page:

which corresponds to:

is a 404 on the docs site. Can you fix it?

No problem. We moved it during the summit to be part of the How-To section, here: As far as I can tell, all the links properly link to that location. I'm curious where you found this broken link, or did you just type it in directly because you expected it there?

Here's how I fixed things up:

At the summit I took the action item to figure out how to put wiki pages in multiple places in the docs, and here's the answer: you can put them in as many places as you want in the docs site, but by default any link to them will only go to the first one in the site. If you don't want that, you can choose the "definitive" one by setting "DefinitiveLink": true so that all links go there.

So, I put the page both in the How-To section and the Grammar Matrix section and I set the Grammar Matrix section one as definitive.

The link should work now, and links will go to the Grammar Matrix section.