
Unable to setup/restore Algorithms with spaces

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Delphix Masking Initializer v1.1.0

Getting the following error when attempting to assign an Algorithm Name (NULL SL) that contains a space to columnMetadatas. All other API calls work as expected up until this point. The command issued is as follows:

dlpx-masking-initializer -f ~/test_delphix_initializer.yml -s -r

09:46:38.940 [main] INFO  com.delphix.masking.initializer.maskingApi.endpointCaller.ApiCallDriver - http://maskingengine:8282/masking/api/column-metadata?page_size=1000&&page_number=1&&table_metadata_id=31644 GET
09:46:39.004 [main] INFO  com.delphix.masking.initializer.maskingApi.endpointCaller.ApiCallDriver - http://maskingengine:8282/masking/api/column-metadata/353462 PUT
09:46:39.053 [main] ERROR com.delphix.masking.initializer.maskingApi.SetupDriver - Got status code: [404] with message [Could not find Algorithm 'NULL SL'] trying to hit URL: [http://maskingengine:8282/masking/api/column-metadata/353462] [PUT]

source of test_delphix_initializer.yml is as follows:

- applicationName: ENT
  - environmentName: ent_N2D
    purpose: MASK
    isWorkflowEnabled: false
    - connectorName: ent
      databaseType: ORACLE
      host: <redacted>
      port: 1521
      sid: <redacted>
      schemaName: <redacted>
      username: <redacted>
      password: <redacted>
      - rulesetName: ent_all
        - tableName: APPL_MODE
          - {columnName: AM_CD, algorithmName: NULL SL, domainName: NULL_SL}

I have tried variations on algorithmName such as enclosing in double-quotes, single quotes, using %20, and breaking out the structure to be on separate lines all to no avail. When I pass in an algorithmName with no spaces, it works as expected.

When running with -l DEBUG after setting the algorithmName to NULL SL in the UI, the following is returned on the GET for column-metadata. Note that algorithmName in line 5 is not set properly.

      "columnMetadataId": 353462,
      "columnName": "AM_CD",
      "tableMetadataId": 31644,
      "algorithmName": "NullValueLookup",
      "domainName": "NULL_SL",
      "dataType": "VARCHAR2",
      "columnLength": 20,
      "isMasked": true,
      "isProfilerWritable": false,
      "isPrimaryKey": true,
      "isIndex": true,
      "isForeignKey": false,
      "notes": ""

Hey Doug,

So certain built in algorithms, like NULL SL/NullValueLookup actually have a different names in the UI vs the API. In the UI, you see NULL SL and in the API you see NullValueLookup, so everything is working as expected.

From your first post, simply replace algorithmName: NULL SL with algorithmName: NullValueLookup and you should be all set. The returned values from the GET request is correct.

Hey @bpg130. Do you have a complete list of these UI vs. API differences or can they be documented somewhere?

Hey @dsjagoda, we don't have a list, but this is the only one that I know of, so you should be safe with all other endpoints.