"[DATE] [BUG]" YAML Backup file not including additional columns from Custom SDK Algorithms
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** Expected Behavior**
We are looking to backup our Delphix masking engines using dlpx-masking-initializer and have created some custom algorithms using the Delphix SDK Framework.
Looking at results from API calls, it includes additional columns for these Custom SDK Algorithms -
API Call:
{ "fileFieldMetadataId": 301, "fileFormatId": 17, "recordTypeId": 27, "fieldLength": 0, "fieldName": "Patient_Address", "fieldPositionNumber": 48, "algorithmName": "Addr_Valid_Alg", "algorithmFieldId": 8, "algorithmGroupNo": 1, "domainName": "ADDRESS_2_INPUT", "dateFormat": "", "isMasked": true, "isProfilerWritable": true, "notes": "" },
** Actual Behavior**
But when we export and backup using dlpx-masking-initializer, the YAML file does not include additional parameters bolded above such as algorithmFieldId and algorithmGroupNo -
YAML File:
{ "fileFieldMetadataId": 301, "fileFormatId": 17, "fieldLength": 0, "fieldName": "Patient_Address", "fieldPositionNumber": 48, "algorithmName": "Addr_Valid_Alg", "domainName": "ADDRESS_2_INPUT", "isMasked": true, "isProfilerWritable": true, "notes": "" },
Steps To Reproduce the Problem
dlpx-masking-initializer -f C:/Users/tempuser/backup02_20220330.yaml -H mskserver.com -p 80 -u loginUser -P loginPassword -v 5.1.13 -e -g -o -b > backup_02_20220330.txt
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Errors are thrown when trying to restore onto other engines - 1)Date format of a custom algorithm and 2)Additional fields of multi-column algorihtms
Additional Context
We have two issues of Custom Algorithms showing discrepancies between API calls and YAML Files -
ADDR_VALID_ALG which is a multi-column algorithm with additional fields such as AlgorithmField and AlgorithmGroup
Custom_Date_Alg which is a custom algorithm expecting a DATE input, when we perform a restore it does not recognize the DateFormat field, snippet from YAML file -
"fileFieldMetadataId": 300,
"fileFormatId": 17,
"fieldLength": 0,
"fieldName": "Patient_Date_Of_Birth",
"fieldPositionNumber": 47,
"algorithmName": "Custom_Date_Alg:Custom_Date_Alg",
"domainName": "DOB",
"dateFormat": "yyyyMMdd",
"isMasked": true,
"isProfilerWritable": true