
React UI Check/Radio [RadioGroup, Checkbox(s)], make custom

MIT LicenseMIT




You can customize icon, theme or color for Checkbox/Radio

React / Vue / Svelte


Install the package

npm install --save react-radio-checkbox-z

Import the module in the place you want to use:

import RadioCheckBox from "react-radio-checkbox-z";


    const [value, setValue] = useState('label1') // radio
    // const [value, setValue] = useState(['label1']) // radio || checkbox
    const [options, setOptions] = useState([
        { label: 'label1', value:'label1' },
        // ...more,
        // { label, value, disabled, className: 'itemClass', labelClassName: 'labelClass' },

    // don't check duplicate value in options, so please pass unique value
        value={value} // array or string
        onChange={setValue} // event
        theme="tick"  // see props
        // more =>
        // groupName="item-group-template" // default random unique
        // height="30"          // min-height option
        // boxSize="16"         // box-size 16 x 16
        // className={className}
        // disabled={true}      // disabled all
        // checkBox={true}      // input="checkbox"
        // displayBox={true}    // display like checkbox
        // vertical={true}      // display vertical
        // selectColor="any"    // color when selected
        // unSelectColor="any"  // color when no selected
        // hoverColor=any       // color when hover (default like selectColor)
        // tickColor="any"      // only theme (type `tick/x`)
        // tabFocusColor        // keypress tab (shawdow box: #000)
        // checkedIcon          // custom icon

        // (Box size is affected by: `box-sizing: border-box`)


The following props are accepted:

value (Array || String)

Selected value.

onChange (Function)

Update value

groupName (String)

groupName of radio/checkbox. Default (random) unique of RadioCheckBox

if you want to use multiple RadioCheckBox(same name), you can set the group name

    <RadioCheckBox groupName="groupabc" theme="in" ... />
    <RadioCheckBox groupName="groupabc" theme="fill" ... />

options (Array)

list data like. [Object, String, ...]

        label: 'Display', value: 'value', disabled: false,  // disabled option
        className: 'itemClass', labelClassName: 'labelClass'
        jsx // in case you want to change the label to a complex element,
        checkedIcon // it is url or exact icon (SEE LIVE EXAMPLE)
    'value' // => make option { label: value, value: value }

    // ex: [ { value: '1', disabled: true, jsx: <span>xyzmrer....</span> }... ]

disabled (boolean)

Disabled all options. Default false

checkBox (boolean)

Type is checkbox. Default false (radio)

displayBox (boolean)

Show check mark icon like a checkbox. Default false (radio)

vertical (boolean)

Display vertical true. Defaut false

theme (String)

    // default (nothing) of html
    in: [
        'fill', 'in', 'out',
        'tick', 'tick-fill', 'tick-fill-in',
        'x', 'x-fill', 'x-fill-in'

selectColor (String)

color when checked. Default [#4169E1]

unSelectColor (String)

color when unchecked. Default [#cbd1d8]

hoverColor (String)

color when hover. Default using (selectColor)

tickColor (String)

Use when theme type = tick.. || x..

Color of tick when check.

tabFocusColor (String)

box shadow color when focus by tab. (#000)

height (number or number_px)

min-height of line-options. (default: 24px)

boxSize (number or number_px)

size of check. (default: 16px)


The className added to group.


customize checked icon (see live example)

customize icon check (another solution)

You should refrain from using this method.

With theme: `x...` || `tick...`
You can override css to see custom tick.
/* set your className(.itemClass) for selector unique */
.itemClass.ldk-rc-radio-checkbox .rc-option-checked .rc-option-icon {
    background: url('./cal-blue.png') no-repeat center;
.itemClass.ldk-rc-radio-checkbox .rc-option-checked .rc-option-icon::before {
    content: '' !important;


The style added to group.



A working example can be found in the example directory.

npm install
npm run dev
npm run start
