
Routing Weirdness Within a Chunk?

SJrX opened this issue · 10 comments

SJrX commented


Apologies if this just is a complete duplicate of #161 , I have read it, but admittedly not digested it, but maybe one aspect that wasn't clear to me is that this blurb from the

The routing algorithm matches one chunk at a time (where the chunk is a string between two slashes), this means that it cannot know if a route is static or dynamic until it finishes to match the URL.

I seem to be having issues, where matching is based not on a chunk, but on substrings in a chunk.

const http = require('http')
const router = require('find-my-way')()

const routes = [

routes.forEach(element => {
        router.on('GET', element, (req, res, params) => {

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
    router.lookup(req, res)

server.listen(3000, err => {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log('Server listening on: http://localhost:3000')


Test Script



for URL in ${URLS[@]}; do
  echo -n "$URL: "
  curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:3000$URL
  echo -e -n "\n"

Router Output

└── /api/
    ├── users/
    │   ├── a
    │   │   ├── ward_winners (GET)
    │   │   └── dmins (GET)
    │   └── :id (GET)
    └── :resourceType/foo (GET)

Test Script Output

/api/users/award_winners: 200
/api/users/admins: 200
/api/users/a766c023-34ec-40d2-923c-e8259a28d2c5: 404
/api/users/b766c023-34ec-40d2-923c-e8259a28d2c5: 200

In particular the ids we use are UUIDs, and it seems that when the UUID begins with the letter a, it essentially can't find the route anymore.

If I remove any of the following routes then the /api/users/a766c023-34ec-40d2-923c-e8259a28d2c5 route is 200.

  1. /api/users/award_winners
  2. /api/users/admins
  3. /api/:resourceType/foo

My read of the readme says that it we should match and consumer, api and then match and consume users greedly, then it should simply have the choice between {award_winners, admins, :id}, and award_winners and admins should take priority, then both UUIDs should resolve to :id.

I'm involved in updating a restify service that has hundreds of routes to a newer version that is based on find-my-way. I guess my general concern is that I don't understand the rules that find-my-way is using to resolve routes, and it seems very brittle, where adding a route anywhere in our platform may subtly break another route and it may break another route based only on some subset of values. I don't even know at this point what to explain to devs in terms of how to think about what the algorithm is doing.

Hello! I can reproduce the issue with the latest release of the router, it looks like it's an edge case of #104.
I'll try to figure out the issue as soon as I have time, meanwhile, feel free to try giving it a stab!
Here you can find some testing that is already existing around that issue.

Apparently, the issue happens when a static route is mixed with a dynamic route, eg:

  • /api/users/admin
  • /api/users/:id

If you change the routes to:

  • /api/users/admin
  • /api/user/:id (removed the s)
    The problem disappears.
Eomm commented

I cannot reproduce the error with this test case, what am I missing?

(tried ignoreTrailingSlash true or false)

'use strict'

const t = require('tap')
const FindMyWay = require('../')

t.test('issue-190', (t) => {

  const findMyWay = FindMyWay()

  let staticCounter = 0
  let paramCounter = 0
  const staticPath = function staticPath () { staticCounter++ }
  const paramPath = function paramPath () { paramCounter++ }
  const extraPath = function extraPath () { }
  findMyWay.on('GET', '/api/users/award_winners', staticPath)
  findMyWay.on('GET', '/api/users/admins', staticPath)
  findMyWay.on('GET', '/api/users/:id', paramPath)
  findMyWay.on('GET', '/api/:resourceType/foo', extraPath)

  t.equal(findMyWay.find('GET', '/api/users/admins').handler, staticPath)
  t.equal(findMyWay.find('GET', '/api/users/award_winners').handler, staticPath)
  t.equal(findMyWay.find('GET', '/api/users/a766c023-34ec-40d2-923c-e8259a28d2c5').handler, paramPath)
  t.equal(findMyWay.find('GET', '/api/users/b766c023-34ec-40d2-923c-e8259a28d2c5').handler, paramPath)

    method: 'GET',
    url: '/api/users/admins',
    headers: { }
    method: 'GET',
    url: '/api/users/award_winners',
    headers: { }
    method: 'GET',
    url: '/api/users/a766c023-34ec-40d2-923c-e8259a28d2c5',
    headers: { }

  t.equal(staticCounter, 2)
  t.equal(paramCounter, 1)
SJrX commented

Hi @Eomm there is a 4th route that is significant


Eomm commented

Thanks, that one trigger the issue 👍🏽
I have updated the test

@Eomm any update for this issue?

Eomm commented

I'm not working on it, I had the chance to reproduce it but not to fix it

We are using old Restify version blocked to upgrade it. But I've realized both Restify and Fastify using find-my-way for the routing. Is there any way to prioritize it?

We cannot reproduce it in version 2

    version "2.2.5"
    resolved ""

We are using old Restify version blocked to upgrade it. But I've realized both Restify and Fastify using find-my-way for the routing. Is there any way to prioritize it?

Would you like to work on this or fund the development of a fix?

Just FYI: I ended up here after running into the same issue using restify (which is, admittedly, using a damn old version of FMW). This appears to be related to #222 and fixed in #224, or at least I can no longer reproduce the example code in this issue, nor my own issue when using the latest FMW

I added a test for this issue #260. I guess this issue can be closed.