
Source code compilation errors

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to compile the source code to run the DEM.Net.TestWinForm project.
I am getting the following errors.

Screenshot 2022-05-19 194915

Can someone please guide how to resolve them?

Yes, I'm the one in charge here.
WinForms project is here for test purposes, I'll fix compilation, sorry about that.

What are you trying to achieve ?

Thanks for the quick response. I am trying to load a SRTM DEM file. Just wanted to run DEM.Net.TestWinForm to understand the working of the library.

Build is fixed.
WinForms project is outdated, but if you want to give it a try, here's how :


At step 2, the DEM files required to run the sample will be downloaded (a few seconds to wait).
At last step, a 3D file (.glb) will be generated under bin\debug\test3D

Let me know if you need more help.

Thank you @xfischer. It is now working. I also had a look at samples and they helped a lot.