
DownloadMissingFiles fails for the Dataset 'AW3D30'

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
When trying to get the missing files for the dataset 'AW3D30' an exception gets thrown.

To Reproduce
Can be reproduced with the ElevationSample.cs from the sample repository.
In my project I use DEMNet the get data from a geometry line but in the sample repo it can be reproduced with both, the single point elevation and the geometry line.

Expected behavior
Downloading the files and then get the elevation for the given geometry line.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Win10
  • Fails for .net core 3.1 & .net6
  • Fails for DEMNet 0.2.8 & 0.3.2

Hi @ChristophKubik, sorry for the late reply. I am experiencing issues also with AW3D30 downloads. I'll investigate more deeply when I'll be back from vacations.