
Quantized Mesh Terrain Tiles as Output format

geospatialmapmashup opened this issue · 9 comments

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Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to be able to have .terrain quantized mesh terrain tiles for use in CesiumJS and HarpGL in addition to gltf/glb export option.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Cesium Terrain Builder

Additional context
Very cool project
we are building mobile app Earth Explorer 3D Map App that supports both gltf/glb, 3DTiles and quantized mesh terrain tiles offline and streaming from the web.

Hi! I’m trying to understand your needs. Why not using directly Cesium quantized meshes ? Or MapBox ?
You want to superimpose elevation API models onto 3D tiles ? Is the resolution bad ?

So you want me to make a Cesium clone for free, for you, while you are selling your app $225 per user per year ?
Is this a paid job offer ??

BTW the back end server for costs me 80€/month, and the service is free. This is the option I chose.

I don't see an interest of doing exactly what others do quite well. Tiling is great and is something I will do for sure, but at my own pace.
You're more than welcome to fork the repo and contribute, and (I know it's a lot to ask) you can be a Patron on my Patreon.


I get the information from your site (didn't dive into other tiers)
I don't see how DEMNet terrain model would be a better option if you already processed the planet.
Sorry if I misunderstand your position. But I still not getting things straight here.


My skypeId is xfischer. Let's arrange a call tomorrow at 6PM paris Time

You know what @geospatialmapmashup, this idea kept me thinking. 🤔 💭 ... Then I saw that quantized meshes were similar to what I saw with RTINs from this article, and I definitely want to implement RTINs. So it's just a step before actually doing quantized meshes. Sorry for being rude, I better understand now that it's just an open standard and could be served as well from elevation api.
So let's reopen this one!

Inactive. Closing