
[0.2.9] Exception thrown when attempting to GetIntervisibilityReport.

rurounijones opened this issue · 4 comments

Calling ElevationService.GetIntervisibilityReport in release [0.2.9] results in the following runtime exception

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void NetTopologySuite.Geometries.LineString..ctor(GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate[])'.
   at DEM.Net.Core.GeometryService.ParseGeoPointAsGeometryLine(GeoPoint[] points)
   at DEM.Net.Core.ElevationService.GetIntervisibilityReport(GeoPoint source, GeoPoint target, DEMDataSet dataSet, Boolean downloadMissingFiles, Double sourceVerticalOffset, Double targetVerticalOffset, InterpolationMode interpolationMode)

I believe the issue is that the code in GeometryService is using new Coordinate without specifying if it is a GeoAPI Coordinate or a NetTopologySuite one and the code is picking the wrong one at runtime.

I believe this issue has been fixed in the master branch by the removal of GeoAPI as part of b3d755f

Is there a planned timeline for the next release of DEM.Net that contains this change?

Thanks for the great work and great library.

Hi @rurounijones, thanks !

I'll try to make a new release by the end of the week. Thanks for reporting this :)

Wunderbar, thanks very much!

@rurounijones Can you test now ?

[0.3.0] version has been released to NuGet.

No exceptions being thrown in [0.3.0]

Thanks for the quick support!