
use delegated zfs permissions without sudo access

bjornbouetsmith opened this issue · 86 comments


I really like this project - but would it be possible that the driver uses its required credentials from a secret that is stored inside the kubernetes cluster?

Right now credentials are stored in plain text inside the values, and that seems like a really bad idea.

Edit: Also I seem to not be able to get a non-root user to work at all.

System info:

  • TrueNas 12
  • Raw Kubernetes (k8s)

If I use username/password for httpConnection like this:

      protocol: http
      port: 80
      allowInsecure: true
      username: k8s
      password: xys

Then I get a 401 from the API - my guess is that non-root users are not allowed to use the API.

With the apiKey present instead

      protocol: http
      port: 80
      allowInsecure: true
      apiKey: "2-qEjchKvqI7QimbvONfM4vbNopomKuHpNC0ffnNY8QOPdXlyr0gxPDhSv1BgzXC05"

I get errors from the ssh connection

failed to provision volume with StorageClass "freenas-nfs-csi": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: cannot create 'fast/k8s/nfs/vols/pvc-5e7afe1e-b3c2-4118-a413-5c6c17f92193': permission denied

if I add:

        sudoEnabled: true

The error becomes different:

failed to provision volume with StorageClass "freenas-nfs-csi": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper sudo: a password is required

Thanks for any hints - or even a message stating that its not supported properly without root.

Can you send over the full values files (cleansed of secrets of course)? Generally you can run as non-root for ssh connection/operations but the api is root only. The apiKey setup you’re currently using is ideal for the api atm.

The values file does turn the config data into a k8s secret so it is stored as a secret in k8s. If that’s troublesome you can either create the secret manually without using the chart or you can use a project like helm secrets to encrypt your values file(s).

Also what version of TrueNAS are you currently running?

Thanks - I am using version:

FreeBSD vmnas.root.dom 12.2-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p6 df578562304(HEAD) TRUENAS  amd6

And if I ssh to the TrueNas server - try to create a dataset, i.e.

zfs create fast/k8s/nfs/vols/test

truenas ask me to authenticate via its "sudo" functionality and when I type in the password - the dataset is created.

In regards to storing the values file inside k8s - I did not realise it was stored as a secret - I just saw the values stored and it looked like it was stored in plain text to me - but that might just have been my "ui" that decrypted it.

  # should be globally unique for a given cluster
  name: "org.democratic-csi.freenas-nfs"

- name: freenas-nfs-csi
  defaultClass: true
  reclaimPolicy: Retain
  volumeBindingMode: Immediate
  allowVolumeExpansion: true
    fsType: nfs
  - noatime

    driver: freenas-nfs
      protocol: http
      port: 80
      allowInsecure: true
      apiKey: "2-qEjchKvqI7QimbvONfM4vbNopomKuHpNC0ffnNY8QOPdXlyr0gxPDhSv1BgzXC05"
      apiVersion: 2
      port: 22
      username: k8s
      password: "<masked>"
        sudoEnabled: true
      datasetParentName: fast/k8s/nfs/vols
      detachedSnapshotsDatasetParentName: fast/k8s/nfs/snaps
      datasetEnableQuotas: true
      datasetEnableReservation: false
      datasetPermissionsMode: "0777"
      datasetPermissionsUser: k8s
      datasetPermissionsGroup: wheel
      shareAlldirs: false
      shareAllowedHosts: []
      shareAllowedNetworks: []
      shareMaprootUser: ""
      shareMaprootGroup: ""
      shareMapallUser: k8s
      shareMapallGroup: wheel

I guess helm itself stores the full values in the cluster as secrets as well yes (unless you've configured helm to use configmaps which I wouldn't recommend).

My guess is you haven't enabled passwordless sudo for the k8s user. This bit from the README may help:

# if on CORE 12.0-u3+ you should be able to do the following
# which will ensure it does not get reset during reboots etc
# at the command prompt

# after you enter the truenas cli and are at that prompt
account user query select=id,username,uid,sudo_nopasswd

# find the `id` of the user you want to update (note, this is distinct from the `uid`)
account user update id=<id> sudo=true
account user update id=<id> sudo_nopasswd=true
# optional if you want to disable password
#account user update id=<id> password_disabled=true

# exit cli by hitting ctrl-d

# confirm sudoers file is appropriate
cat /usr/local/etc/sudoers

I guess helm itself stores the full values in the cluster as secrets as well yes (unless you've configured helm to use configmaps which I wouldn't recommend).

My guess is you haven't enabled passwordless sudo for the k8s user. This bit from the README may help:

True - I did not notice that - it would be nice to have as a comment in the "values.yaml" example - so people know its a hard requirement that passwordless sudo is set up.

But it seems like it does not change a thing - at least not for me:

From my "cli"

 {'id': 35, 'sudo': True, 'sudo_nopasswd': True, 'username': 'k8s'}]

From my sudoers

%k8s ALL=(ALL) ALL

But still my k8s cluster logs:

failed to provision volume with StorageClass "truenas-nfs": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper sudo: a password is required

But to make it fair - even though it seems like its set up correctly on the truenas server - I cannot even do it passwordless when ssh'ing to the server manually and logging on.

So it seems like the passwordless sudo on truenas is not working as expected.

I will dig into this further - but at least I got a bit further.


The issue is the group...sudo has strange behavior in this regard. If you're going to enable sudo on the group as well do the following:

  • remove the sudo_nopasswd from the user
  • add the sudo_nopasswd to the group

It should then work as desired.

EDIT: alternatively, just remove sudo access from the group and you should also get the behavior you are after

Its very strange - now I can ssh in manually and do:

sudo zfs create fast/k8s/nfs/vols/test

Without getting asked for password - but still I get the same error from k8s.

I will try your suggestion to only give it on the group or client.

That is strange yeah :( let me know how it goes.

That is strange yeah :( let me know how it goes.

It works now - when I removed the sudo from the group.

Now I just need to figure out if I can limit my k8s user from destroying my entire pool - just in case there is a bug in the csi framework.

But that is more a question for the truenas/zfs forum.

Thanks a lot for your support.

That's a very fair concern. The short answer is you can't really (not with how the driver works currently). When using sudo the commands are invoked with root privs anyway so limiting the k8s user's access won't really help anyway.

At some point I may look into leveraging the zfs delegation but nothing is in place yet :(

I have asked the question on the TrueNAS forum - whether or not its possible to limit access to datasets - so a configured user gets full access to a certain dataset and nothing else.

And looking at that link you sent it seems like ZFS at least supports it - so perhaps its possible if I do not use sudo, and simply use the access control things in TrueNAS so its only on the explicit dataset that it can get access.

Fingers crossed - and if it turns out its possible already - if I stop using sudo, then I will report back here - and it should probably be used as a "best practice" - just like not using the root user :-)

Yeah. There are a couple scenarios where sudo is still required but please do test and see how far you get.

Without sudo enabled it will fail to change the ownership and permissions on the share dir (for nfs) and will fail some volume expansion operations (for iscsi). For testing nfs you’ll want to disable the datasetPermission config options to avoid those failures. It’s mostly due to these reasons that I haven’t fully explored the delegated deployment yet…it’s certainly feasible to not use sudo for zfs but use it for the other scenarios but it simply hasn’t been developed yet.

I just tried with delegated permissions - and now I can fully control what the k8s user can do - but it does not have permissions to mount the dataset, which is required I assume to expose it via nfs.

So I am kind of back to square one.

Perhaps one solution - although it requires changes in the codebase is to "document" that any dataset that is set up for this should use delegated permissions (with documentation of which csi require) - and then only do the ZFS commands via ssh, and the remaining via the api, i.e.

If csi needs to create a dataset - it happens via ssh, but the mounting, sharing via nfs etc happens via the API - then it might work with a regular user without sudo access and with delegated permissions to its own dataset?

Does it make sense what I propose?
I am fully aware that having "root" API access is just a capable of messing up the entire system/pools/datasets etc - but if we limit "root" access to the non zfs things - it should make the integration more secure in the sense if a bug creeps in that would potentially destroy something it should not destroy when the code cleans up datasets, then it would only affect the delegated dataset.

Also if bugs sneak in the API integration code, then it would only affect the more "innocent" things, like sharing, mounting etc.

Of course this "split" responsibility will only work for truenas installations - but if you can make one implementation more "secure" from potential bugs, I think it could be worth it - if its possible..

Alternatively - on the TrueNAS forums, they also suggested to use a jail for the dataset - I am not sure if that would make it easier on permissions, or if its even possible to interact with the jail from a ssh session in any decent way - but perhaps a jail, with a dataset inside that - it could be managed with the "generic " zfs-generic-nfs implementation, since everything could be done with ssh towards the jail, with full "su" access, and even if bugs come up, it will only affect the jail and the dataset that got mounted to that jail.

So basically run a NFS server in a jail, with the dataset mounted to that jail, with full delegation - then whatever runs in the jail can do whatever to the dataset, can mount datasets, share them via ssh - but obviously it would all happen via ssh, since there are probably no api access to jails in truenas.

The mount should happen automatically inheriting the mount point logic from the parent no?

I’m with you on making it secure as possible. It just hasn’t been done and requires some thought to make it as robust as possible.

The mount should happen automatically inheriting the mount point logic from the parent no?

Unfortunately it does not happen - at least not on truenas.

The unpriveleged user is allowed to create a sub dataset in the delegated dataset, but the mount does not happen as far as I see - it even emits a message about this.

Can you get all the properties on the dataset and send it here?

I have solved it:

zfs allow -u k8s clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,receive,rename,rollback,send,share,snapshot,sharenfs,mountpoint  fast/k8s

Add sysctl setting:

So now when I ssh in with my k8s user - I can do whatever i want with the dataset fast/k8s and below - including mounting it - which happens automatically when I do:

zfs create fast/k8s/test

Then it gets mounted to /mnt/fast/k8s/test

So I think it might be possible to do with just using "generic zfs csi" - and by using this way.

I can probably remove many of the delegations - I just delegated all of them that I thought the csi might use.

So I definately think this might be the way forward - so a pure SSH solution is possible and just by using delegation and allowing non-root mounts.

I will definately try it out :-)

Pure ssh is not possible as http is required to manage the shares (ie: insert stuff into the TrueNAS db, etc). Also note that sudo will still be required for some non-zfs operations (such as reloading some services, etc). However all zfs operations could be done over ssh in an underprivileged (non-sudo) fashion however so that is great news!

Regarding the specific permissions there are actually quite a few required to cover the full breadth of what the driver does so I think that above list is probably a great start. If anything fails we can add from there.

I see - but I think that is a decent compromise - since then the driver only needs root access to the API - and not directly to the Zfs commands.

Of course that still allow a bug in the api code to somehow destroy something, but at least it will not impact the zfs pools - which should be the most precious part of a truenas installation, since thats where the data is stored.

Everything else can be recreated - data is harder to recreate - unless you have a very good backup strategy and take snapshots very often.

P.S. I just tested - with sudo=false in my values.yaml - and it does not work:
failed to provision volume with StorageClass "truenas-nfs": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: cannot create 'fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3061070-b0b1-4af2-9bd3-f85e8f813495': permission denied

Which is strange, since I can just ssh as the k8s user and do:

zfs create fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3061070-b0b1-4af2-9bd3-f85e8f813495

Is that because the driver assumes something, like using sudo is required?

Even though my values contains:

        sudoEnabled: false

What is even more strange is that it did manage to create the dataset:
It was just the last one with the guid it failed to create.

Perhaps its quotas or something else it fails on - let me try to delegate more :-)

I agree 100% it's a decent compromise. While not ideal to still require sudo for some of the other purposes there's not really any ways around that, and having protection/insurance at the zfs level is indeed highly desirable.

Any where I can see what zfs properties that gets set when the dataset gets created?

I have tried with:

zfs allow -u k8s clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,receive,rename,rollback,send,share,snapshot,sharenfs,mountpoint,quota,volsize,snapdir,reservation,readonly,exec,copies,compression fast/k8s

And still it fails.

I even removed the "vols" dataset beneath fast/k8s - and that got created again - so I am thinking its some property or setting the drives tries to set, that it gets the permission denied from.

Progress - I added more delegations and now the pvc dataset gets created, but then it fails when it tries to set some properties:
failed to provision volume with StorageClass "truenas-nfs": rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = volume has already been created with a different size, existing size: 0, required_bytes: 10737418240, limit_bytes: 0


failed to provision volume with StorageClass "truenas-nfs": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: cannot set property for 'fast/k8s/vols/pvc-8c417bd8-f729-47c5-853e-06aa27dcc3be': permission denied

output from zfs get all fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114.

So properties are getting set by the driver - I wonder where it fails to do something.

I have looked into the code - but javascript is not my strong side - I am more of a c++/c/c# kind of guy.

vmnas# zfs get all fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114
NAME                                                    PROPERTY                                          VALUE                                                        SOURCE
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  type                                              filesystem                                                   -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  creation                                          Tue Feb 22 20:04 2022                                        -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  used                                              96K                                                          -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  available                                         6.51T                                                        -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  referenced                                        96K                                                          -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  compressratio                                     1.00x                                                        -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  mounted                                           yes                                                          -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  quota                                             none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  reservation                                       none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  recordsize                                        16K                                                          inherited from fast
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  mountpoint                                        /mnt/fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  sharenfs                                          off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  checksum                                          on                                                           default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  compression                                       lz4                                                          inherited from fast
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  atime                                             off                                                          inherited from fast
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  devices                                           on                                                           default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  exec                                              on                                                           default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  setuid                                            on                                                           default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  readonly                                          off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  jailed                                            off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  snapdir                                           hidden                                                       default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  aclmode                                           passthrough                                                  inherited from fast/k8s
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  aclinherit                                        passthrough                                                  inherited from fast
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  createtxg                                         57196865                                                     -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  canmount                                          on                                                           default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  xattr                                             sa                                                           inherited from fast/k8s
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  copies                                            1                                                            inherited from fast/k8s
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  version                                           5                                                            -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  utf8only                                          off                                                          -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  normalization                                     none                                                         -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  casesensitivity                                   sensitive                                                    -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  vscan                                             off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  nbmand                                            off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  sharesmb                                          off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  refquota                                          none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  refreservation                                    none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  guid                                              12125938536443656666                                         -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  primarycache                                      all                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  secondarycache                                    all                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  usedbysnapshots                                   0B                                                           -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  usedbydataset                                     96K                                                          -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  usedbychildren                                    0B                                                           -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  usedbyrefreservation                              0B                                                           -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  logbias                                           latency                                                      default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  objsetid                                          35688                                                        -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  dedup                                             off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  mlslabel                                          none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  sync                                              standard                                                     default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  dnodesize                                         legacy                                                       default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  refcompressratio                                  1.00x                                                        -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  written                                           96K                                                          -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  logicalused                                       42.5K                                                        -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  logicalreferenced                                 42.5K                                                        -
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  volmode                                           default                                                      default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  filesystem_limit                                  none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  snapshot_limit                                    none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  filesystem_count                                  none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  snapshot_count                                    none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  snapdev                                           hidden                                                       default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  acltype                                           nfsv4                                                        default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  context                                           none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  fscontext                                         none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  defcontext                                        none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  rootcontext                                       none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  relatime                                          off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  redundant_metadata                                all                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  overlay                                           on                                                           default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  encryption                                        off                                                          default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  keylocation                                       none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  keyformat                                         none                                                         default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  pbkdf2iters                                       0                                                            default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  special_small_blocks                              0                                                            default
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  democratic-csi:volume_context_provisioner_driver  freenas-nfs                                                  local
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  democratic-csi:csi_volume_name                    pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114                     local
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  democratic-csi:managed_resource                   true                                                         local
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  org.truenas:managedby                                                                  inherited from fast/k8s
fast/k8s/vols/pvc-e3561ccf-05e6-4db3-ac92-901656c1a114  org.freebsd.ioc:active                            yes                                                          inherited from fast

These are my current delegations:

zfs allow -u k8s clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,receive,rename,rollback,send,share,snapshot,sharenfs,mountpoint,quota,volsize,snapdir,reservation,readonly,exec,copies,compression,userquota,aclmode,exec,readonly,groupquota,groupused,userprop,userquota,userused,atime,canmount,checksum,compression,devices,nbmand,normalization,readonly,recordsize,refreservation,reservation,setuid,utf8only,version,volsize,volblocksize,vscan,xattr fast/k8s

Any way I can turn on debug logging of some kind - so it logs more what commands it tries to run?

# values.yaml
    logLevel: debug

    logLevel: debug

Regarding the error perhaps what happened is the driver tried to set the refuota when you first deployed and the user didn't have permissions (but it failed silently). Try to delete it entirely and start fresh with the new set of permissions and see how it does.

# values.yaml
    logLevel: debug

    logLevel: debug

Can I do this in my values.yaml that I give to helm? I have tried editing via kubectl - but it does not seem to give more logging output.

Regarding the error perhaps what happened is the driver tried to set the refuota when you first deployed and the user didn't have permissions (but it failed silently). Try to delete it entirely and start fresh with the new set of permissions and see how it does.

I already did that - I have removed the dataset, reapplied delegations, uninstalled the helm chart - reinstalled it - but still I get this permission error after it creates the dataset.

I have now added refquota to the list of delegations and it works now with my non-root user.

So my full delegation command is:

zfs allow -u k8s clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,receive,rename,rollback,send,share,snapshot,sharenfs,mountpoint,quota,volsize,snapdir,reservation,readonly,exec,copies,compression,userquota,aclmode,exec,readonly,groupquota,groupused,userprop,userquota,userused,atime,canmount,checksum,compression,devices,nbmand,normalization,readonly,recordsize,refreservation,reservation,setuid,utf8only,version,volsize,volblocksize,vscan,xattr,refquota fast/k8s

And the most important bit I think that it requires the sysctl setting:
systctl vfs.usermount=1

Which can be added via the TrueNAS gui - this allows non-root users to mount filesystems.

So success - sudo is no longer needed for the ssh connction :-)

Thank you for the help.

For future reference it would be awesome if it could be documented, what delegations is required precisely, so users only need to delegate the required bits and not do trial and error like I have done.

The debugging must be added to your helm values yes. I would appreciate any contributions to the documentation to get the delegated setup properly documented and explained for easy use.

I think in the meantime, I'll go rework some bits of the code to unconditionally use sudo if the user is not root. Doing so will ensure those things that require sudo will continue to work while also disabling sudo for zfs operations.

The debugging must be added to your helm values yes. I would appreciate any contributions to the documentation to get the delegated setup properly documented and explained for easy use.

Sure - I don't mind helping with the documentation part - if you can just tell me what delegations I should include :-)

I think in the meantime, I'll go rework some bits of the code to unconditionally use sudo if the user is not root. Doing so will ensure those things that require sudo will continue to work while also disabling sudo for zfs operations.

I am not sure what you mean by this - will this not be counter-intuitive to what I have been trying to achieve?

With my recipy the SSH connection does not require sudo - if you have set up proper delegation and the correct sysctl setting.

So perhaps add a setting instead of sudo?


    driver: freenas-nfs
      port: 22
      delegation: true
      sudo: false

And then in the driver you check whether or not delegation or sudo is in use.

If you have not set up correct delegation, then obviously it requires passwordless sudo to be set up correctly - unless you run as root. But even running as root, in theory it does not guarantee that root has the required permissions - root is just a username - although root usually is the "super user" with all access.

Unless I misunderstand you?

Right now, my user is not allowed to do any sudo, so if you change the code to always require sudo if the username is not root, then my work would be in vain - and I am back to being a possible "victim" of bugs that can destroy my pool.

I honestly don't have a comprehensive list of which delegations are required to cover the feature set. I suspect you've probably given enough at this point. The project has the potential to change as the driver evolves over time as well. I think we'll just need to run it for a bit and see if we run into any situations where something fails due to lack of permissions.

Regarding sudo here are a few points to consider:

  • sudo is always required in the broad sense (executing chmod, chown, etc) to properly run the driver
  • if using delegated zfs permissions sudo may not be required for zfs operations

I'm updating the code to decouple the scenarios in point 1 from point 2. The situations in point 1 require the use of sudo when the user is not root. You cannot delegate chmod, etc (unless you do some really really really stupid stuff).

I honestly don't have a comprehensive list of which delegations are required to cover the feature set. I suspect you've probably given enough at this point. The project has the potential to change as the driver evolves over time as well. I think we'll just need to run it for a bit and see if we run into any situations where something fails due to lack of permissions.

Ok - no worries - I can just try this out for a bit.

Regarding sudo here are a few points to consider:

  • sudo is always required in the broad sense (executing chmod, chown, etc) to properly run the driver
  • if using delegated zfs permissions sudo may not be required for zfs operations

To be honest I don't see why chmod, chown etc. should require sudo - surely all operations will happen within the delegated dataset and is fully within the users control.

And if the initial "root" dataset is created with ownership to the user/group, then even the commands you listed will just work right?

Obviously I don't know much about what the driver does - but in broad sense as I understand it:

  1. It uses the ssh connection to run zfs commands
  2. It uses the API connection to export the zfs mounts via NFS (plus other stuff that I don't know about)

Any other operations it needs to do, should hopefully only be relevant to the delegated dataset?

And if so, then no sudo should be required, since as far as I know - if a user "owns" a folder, then that user can do anything inside that folder. And also with the correct delegations in place, no sudo should be required.

And so far for me it just works with my "plain" user - as long as I delegated all permissions to the user on the "parent" dataset and have allowuser mount, then any dataset is automatically mounted by that user, and seems to be exported just fine.

When I have reclaimPolicy: Delete is also just removed the dataset as expected.

So from my extremely narrow point of view - delegation is the solution to "all" permission issues and should remove the requirement for sudo - unless you do other stuff on the ssh connection except the zfs command?

EDIT: Just tested - I can do chmod but not chown on a folder I created in the delegated dataset - so if the driver really needs to do chown on the datasets that it creates, then yes - sudo is required - but I did not see any errors of any kind without sudo, so perhaps its special cases that require sudo that I have not been using?

I'm not sure who owns the mounted dataset when created by another user and it may be owned by the user. However, if a user (maybe you will not, but others will) set any of the following config options sudo must be used (if using non-root):

  datasetPermissionsMode: "0777"
  datasetPermissionsUser: root
  datasetPermissionsGroup: wheel
  #- "-m everyone@:full_set:allow"
  #- "-m u:kube:full_set:allow"

Even if the user already owns the directory, chmod will probably work, but chown cannot be invoked in this way as non-root users.

For nfs you should be covered if you don't enable the above options (just comment them out). For iscsi when a volume resize happens I have to reload the iscsi daemon (ctld) to make the new size recognized by ctld (or execute echo 1 > /sys/kernel/scst_tgt/devices/${iscsiName}/resync_size on scale).

To summarize, for you specifically you may get away with no sudo access while using nfs...others may not. If running iscsi eventually the user will need sudo access regardless of configuration.

To summarize, for you specifically you may get away with no sudo access while using nfs...others may not. If running iscsi eventually the user will need sudo access regardless of configuration.

Yes - I was aware that delegation might only fix the issues when being used in the very narrow use case as I have it configured - but I think it would be worth to document as perhaps "best practice" - unless you have very special requirements.

But anyway, thank you very much for your time.

Thank you for all the testing! It will take a couple hours for all the tests to run and to get images built, but here is the fixes: #155

I anticipate to have them ready today and have v1.5.1 snapped. After that I'd love for you to test your setup for a bit with that version and see how things go. We'll leave this issue open and let it settle for a bit and assuming everything works out nicely we'll get the docs updated with all our findings.

OK, v1.5.1 snapped and images built. It should cover the use-case of delegated zfs permissions but still use sudo when appropriate (or attempt to) for misc activities as needed.


As I wrote earlier I am no js expert, but have you not changed the code so instead of explicitly only using sudo when configured, to always use it if the username is not root?

Or is that only for special cases you have changed that?

if its a general fix so all ssh commands now require sudo it will break my now "working" solution, since I have turned off sudo for my user.

I am aware that certain options require the use of sudo, but if you can live with a very shallow usecase like mine, where you have set up delegation - uses no special permissions, then sudo=false should be respected?

It only uses it unconditionally when it must (effectively tied to the config options mentioned above datasetPermission*). The location of the config parameter (sudoEnabled) is purposely scoped to just the zfs cli configuration, so zfs operations will strictly adhere to the value of the setting (it technically always did, so nothing has changed in this regard).

In short, you should be able to disable sudo for the user entirely when using nfs without any adverse effects. Just make sure to not set the datasetPermission* config options and you should be good to go.

cool - I will give it a go and let you know if it behaves differently from before.

Fantastic thread, was just trying to crack this nut and came here looking for help. I'll sit back and wait a bit until need some testing.

The underlying code behind the zfs operations is quite robust and stable so I think testing now is appropriate. Use v1.5.2 and try with the delegated permissions mentioned above (along with the sysctl parameter).

The delegated permissions is really the aspect we need to nail down so the more testing on that front the better.

I did this a bunch of times, and had great success building on the work done above!
The key items are:

  1. zfs delegation
  2. The chown k8s:k8s /mnt/main/k8s/iscsi to make that non-root
  3. The tunable to allow non-root to mount

Seems to be working with no root access at all to API nor sudo with ssh. The delegation probably should be trimmed down to only what is relevant, but at least this is limited to just this dataset and its descendants.

Here's a breakdown of what I did on TrueNAS (12.0-U8), in the GUI:

Create non-root User:

Note that sudo & password have been disabled.

  • Username: k8s
  • Home directory: /mnt/main/users/k8s
  • Shell: /usr/local/bin/bash
  • Email: N/A
  • Password Disabled: true
  • Lock User: false
  • Permit Sudo: false
  • Microsoft Account: false
  • Samba Authentication: false

Created Two Datasets:

Created "k8s" and "iscsi" under pool main (main/k8s/iscsi), using the following defaults:

  • Sync: Inherit (standard)
  • Compression: Inherit (lz4)
  • Enable Atime: Inherit (off)
  • Encryption: Inherit (encrypted)
  • Record Size: Inherit (129Kib)
  • ACL Mode: Passthrough

Create Tunable to allow non-root to mount

  • System > Tunables:
  • Variable: vfs.usermount
  • Value: 1
  • Type: sysctl
  • Description: Allows non-root users to mount filesystems.
  • Enabled: (checked)

Delegate ZFS Permissions to non-root account "k8s" for dataset "main/k8s"

On the TrueNAS CLI as root:

# zfs allow -u k8s clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,receive,rename,rollback,send,share,snapshot,sharenfs,mountpoint,quota,volsize,snapdir,reservation,readonly,exec,copies,compression,userquota,aclmode,exec,readonly,groupquota,groupused,userprop,userquota,userused,atime,canmount,checksum,compression,devices,nbmand,normalization,readonly,recordsize,refreservation,reservation,setuid,utf8only,version,volsize,volblocksize,vscan,xattr,refquota  main/k8s

Set non-root as owner of iscsi directory

On TrueNAS side must chown directory to the non-root account or you will get permission denied as root would own the mountpoint. Skipping this step gives "failed to provision volume with StorageClass "freenas-iscsi-csi": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: cannot mount '/mnt/main/k8s/iscsi/v': failed to create mountpoint: Permission denied".

# chown k8s:k8s /mnt/main/k8s/iscsi

Relevant part of freenas-iscsi.yaml for HTTP/s API and SSH:

(I use SSL Port 443 for API)

      protocol: https
      host: truenas.[REDACTED]
      port: 443
      apiKey: [REDACTED]
      allowInsecure: False
      #apiVersion: 2
      host: truenas.[REDACTED]
      port: 22
      username: k8s

      privateKey: |
        b  [REDACTED]   =
        -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----

Clean Install of democratic-csi:

I did not see anything specific showing that csi v1.5.2 was used, but I just did:

$ helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --values freenas-iscsi.yaml --namespace democratic-csi zfs-iscsi democratic-csi/democratic-csi

Release "zfs-iscsi" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: zfs-iscsi
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Feb 26 15:36:29 2022
NAMESPACE: democratic-csi
STATUS: deployed
$ helm list -n democratic-csi
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
zfs-iscsi       democratic-csi  1               2022-02-26 15:36:29.704596387 -0500 EST deployed        democratic-csi-0.10.1   1.0 

Create PVC:

$ kubectl -n democratic-csi create -f test-claim-iscsi.yaml

Validation Steps:

$ kubectl -n democratic-csi get pvc
NAME               STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS        AGE
test-claim-iscsi   Bound    pvc-fe4d439f-c5a5-48bc-8dec-19f79f8044dc   1Gi        RWO            freenas-iscsi-csi   4m1
$ kubectl describe pvc/test-claim-iscsi -n democratic-csi
Name:          test-claim-iscsi
Namespace:     democratic-csi
StorageClass:  freenas-iscsi-csi
Status:        Bound
Volume:        pvc-fe4d439f-c5a5-48bc-8dec-19f79f8044dc
Labels:        <none>
Annotations: yes
Finalizers:    []
Capacity:      1Gi
Access Modes:  RWO
VolumeMode:    Filesystem
Used By:       <none>
  Type    Reason                 Age                From                                                                                                                Message
  ----    ------                 ----               ----                                                                                                                -------
  Normal  Provisioning           10s                org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7d7c7868b5-h2kx8_26442678-03fb-4d3f-83ce-4b7f3dcb7ef9  External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "democratic-csi/test-claim-iscsi"
  Normal  ExternalProvisioning   10s (x2 over 10s)  persistentvolume-controller                                                                                         waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "org.democratic-csi.iscsi" or manually created by system administrator
  Normal  ProvisioningSucceeded  6s                 org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7d7c7868b5-h2kx8_26442678-03fb-4d3f-83ce-4b7f3dcb7ef9  Successfully provisioned volume pvc-fe4d439f-c5a5-48bc-8dec-19f79f8044dc

Back on the TrueNAS Side:

root@truenas[/]# zfs list -r main/k8s

NAME                                                        USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
main/k8s                                                    704K  24.5T      208K  /mnt/main/k8s
main/k8s/iscsi                                              496K  24.5T      208K  /mnt/main/k8s/iscsi
main/k8s/iscsi/v                                            288K  24.5T      200K  /mnt/main/k8s/iscsi/v
main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-05257700-96dd-46bc-a389-5adaee4f1499    88K  24.5T       88K  -
zfs get -o property,value,source all main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-05257700-96dd-46bc-a389-5adaee4f1499  | grep democratic
democratic-csi:freenas_iscsi_extent_id            1                                                                                                                                                                                                   local
democratic-csi:managed_resource                   true                                                                                                                                                                                                local
democratic-csi:freenas_iscsi_target_id            1                                                                                                                                                                                                   local
democratic-csi:freenas_iscsi_targettoextent_id    5                                                                                                                                                                                                   local
democratic-csi:provision_success                  true                                                                                                                                                                                                local
democratic-csi:volume_context_provisioner_driver  freenas-iscsi                                                                                                                                                                                       local
democratic-csi:freenas_iscsi_assets_name          csi-pvc-defb89f7-fad5-4344-a325-414052f2c771-clustera                                                                                                                                               local
democratic-csi:csi_share_volume_context           {"node_attach_driver":"iscsi","portal":"truenas.[REDACTED]:3260","portals":"","interface":"","iqn":"","lun":0}  local
democratic-csi:csi_volume_name                    pvc-defb89f7-fad5-4344-a325-414052f2c771                                                                                                                                                            local
  • Some of the captures above were collected at different attempts, so if volumes name and generated numbers don't match, that's why.

I don't have anything deployed yet to make use of this, however I think that looks clean. Please review.

That seems like a pretty good flow for nfs, but iscsi has some different needs:

  • iscsi shouldn’t require mount access and chown’ing the parent dataset dir shouldn’t be necessary
  • Nor should the user mount property be required for iscsi (although you may want it for nfs anyway)
  • in order for resizing to properly work sudo is required so if you want that to work you must reenable (even if zfs is delegated and you don’t use sudo for zfs operations/commands)
  • just a note, but access to the api is always/implicitly root access (even if using apiKey)

I should note here that currently the primary purpose of configuring delegation is to limit bad things should some bug make it’s way into the code specifically for zfs operations, not necessarily to mitigate the risks associated with a user having sudo access. As has been mentioned without sudo there are certain things that simply will not work at the moment:

  • datasetPermission* operations for nfs driver (chown, chmod)
  • iscsi resizing

If you’re on scale you can use the api only driver which eliminates the need for ssh access altogether, but the user/integration is still implicitly super user in that case.

iscsi does require mount and chowning the parent dataset in order for the "v" dataset to be mounted. The non-root user can not mount "v" into "iscsi" if that is root owned. I tried many times, I could not get passed:

"failed to provision volume with StorageClass "freenas-iscsi-csi": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: cannot mount '/mnt/main/k8s/iscsi/v': failed to create mountpoint: Permission denied"

Ah I see. You could create that in advance but I see the issue now if you have not pre-created the datasets yes.

So taking your advice above, I deleted everything and disabled the TrueNAS tunable (Should not be needed for iscsi if you create datasets in advance). I did not do any chown or assigning permissions to non-root this time.

I created main/k8s/iscsi/v and main/k8s/iscsi/s in advance

zfs create -o org.freenas:description="Persistent Storage for Kubernetes" main/k8s
zfs create -o org.freenas:description="Container to hold iSCSI zvols and snapshots" main/k8s/iscsi
zfs create -o org.freenas:description="Storage Container to hold zvols" main/k8s/iscsi/v
zfs create -o org.freenas:description="Storage Container to hold detached snapshots" main/k8s/iscsi/s

I reduced some of the delegation which was used above in previous steps, I cleaned up the duplicates. Still plenty of ones I don't know what they do so I left them in only because they were included above. Perhaps the list can be reduced more by someone more knowledgeable. NOTE: I applied it to the main/k8s/iscsi dataset instead since nfs delegation would be different.

Above @travisghansen stated "Nor should the user mount property be required for iscsi", which I assume meant the mount delegation was not needed, so I left it out:

zfs allow -u k8s aclmode,canmount,checksum,clone,create,destroy,devices,exec,groupquota,groupused,mountpoint,nbmand,normalization,promote,quota,readonly,recordsize,refquota,refreservation,receive,rename,reservation,rollback,send,setuid,share,snapdir,snapshot,userprop,userquota,userused,utf8only,version,volblocksize,volsize,vscan,xattr main/k8s/iscsi

Claim Failed:
Warning ProvisioningFailed 8s (x4 over 15s) org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7d7c7868b5-hdgqs_ebf6ea51-ce6e-42f3-bfb8-d80cb20430cb failed to provision volume with StorageClass "freenas-iscsi-csi": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Error: cannot create 'main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-be16a758-db4a-4ca7-8458-42ff2a738985': permission denied

I added mount delegation back:
zfs allow -u k8s mount main/k8s/iscsi

Then claim works:
Normal ProvisioningSucceeded 2s org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7d7c7868b5-hdgqs_ebf6ea51-ce6e-42f3-bfb8-d80cb20430cb Successfully provisioned volume pvc-e0a96fac-1584-4af2-adf0-dd7b77745d9c

So mount is required for iSCSI.

Thanks for all the research! I wasn’t very clear about what I meant. I was referring to the sysctl for user mounts not the delegated mount property on the zfs dataset.

I’m surprised the zfs property is needed as well frankly, but that’s why we’re testing so we can lock it all down and get it sanely documented :)

Looking at your comment about zvol resize, I've never tried to resize before so this was good learning for me as well.

TrueNAS side, started with:

root@truenas[~]# zfs get volsize main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-e0a96fac-1584-4af2-adf0-dd7b77745d9c 
NAME                                                       PROPERTY  VALUE    SOURCE
main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-e0a96fac-1584-4af2-adf0-dd7b77745d9c  volsize   1G       local

I edited the claim test:

$ sudo kubectl edit pvc test-claim-iscsi -n democratic-csi 
persistentvolumeclaim/test-claim-iscsi edited

Where I bumped 1Gi to 2Gi:

  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 2Gi

TrueNAS side picks it up:

root@truenas[~]# zfs get volsize main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-e0a96fac-1584-4af2-adf0-dd7b77745d9c 
NAME                                                       PROPERTY  VALUE    SOURCE
main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-e0a96fac-1584-4af2-adf0-dd7b77745d9c  volsize   2G       local

TruneNAS > Sharing > iSCSI > Extents:
Device: main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-e0a96fac-1584-4af2-adf0-dd7b77745d9c (2G)

Sure enough, I see where sudo was attempted in the status of the claim:
volume "pvc-e0a96fac-1584-4af2-adf0-dd7b77745d9c" by resizer "org.democratic-csi.iscsi" failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error reloading iscsi daemon: {"stderr":"\nWe trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System\nAdministrator. It usually boils down to these three things:\n\n #1) Respect the privacy of others.\n #2) Think before you type.\n #3) With great power comes great responsibility.\n\nsudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper\nsudo: a password is required\n","code":1}

So when I look at the API DOCS on my TrueNAS Core install (just place /api/docs at the end of your instance hostname).

I see a reference to restart service via API:

 "title": "service",
 "type": "string"
 "type": "object",
 "properties": {
  "ha_propagate": {
   "type": "boolean"
 "additionalProperties": false,
 "title": "service-control",
 "default": {}

Can that be used instead of sudo?

Perhaps. A reload is needed not a restart however…a restart will drop existing connections and generally cause chaos. Do you see a reload method by chance?

Perhaps. A reload is needed not a restart however…a restart will drop existing connections and generally cause chaos. Do you see a reload method by chance?

Here ya go:

 "title": "service",
 "type": "string"
 "type": "object",
 "properties": {
  "ha_propagate": {
   "type": "boolean"
 "additionalProperties": false,
 "title": "service-control",
 "default": {}

Yeah that works. I've got it prototyped. I should probably figure in which version of TN/FN that was introduced and only use it as appropriate. Now to use the api for the permissions/chmod/chown activities and then you can use a completely sudo-less user for both nfs and iscsi :)

These help?


 "type": "object",
 "properties": {
  "path": {
   "type": "string"
  "uid": {
   "type": [
  "gid": {
   "type": [
  "dacl": {
   "type": "array",
   "items": [
     "type": "object"
     "type": "object"
  "nfs41_flags": {
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
    "autoinherit": {
     "type": "boolean"
    "protected": {
     "type": "boolean"
   "additionalProperties": false
  "acltype": {
   "type": "string",
   "enum": [
  "options": {
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
    "stripacl": {
     "type": "boolean"
    "recursive": {
     "type": "boolean"
    "traverse": {
     "type": "boolean"
    "canonicalize": {
     "type": "boolean"
   "additionalProperties": false
 "additionalProperties": false,
 "title": "filesystem_acl",
 "default": {}

Set ACL of a given path. Takes the following parameters: path full path to directory or file.

dacl "simplified" ACL here or a full ACL.

uid the desired UID of the file user. If set to None (the default), then user is not changed.

gid the desired GID of the file group. If set to None (the default), then group is not changed.

recursive apply the ACL recursively

traverse traverse filestem boundaries (ZFS datasets)

strip convert ACL to trivial. ACL is trivial if it can be expressed as a file mode without losing any access rules.

canonicalize reorder ACL entries so that they are in concanical form as described in the Microsoft documentation MS-DTYP 2.4.5 (ACL)

In all cases we replace USER_OBJ, GROUP_OBJ, and EVERYONE with owner@, group@, everyone@ for consistency with getfacl and setfacl. If one of aforementioned special tags is used, 'id' must be set to None.

An inheriting empty everyone@ ACE is appended to non-trivial ACLs in order to enforce Windows expectations regarding permissions inheritance. This entry is removed from NT ACL returned to SMB clients when 'ixnas' samba VFS module is enabled.


 "type": "object",
 "properties": {
  "path": {
   "type": "string"
  "mode": {
   "type": [
  "uid": {
   "type": [
  "gid": {
   "type": [
  "options": {
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
    "stripacl": {
     "type": "boolean"
    "recursive": {
     "type": "boolean"
    "traverse": {
     "type": "boolean"
   "additionalProperties": false
 "additionalProperties": false,
 "title": "filesystem_permission",
 "default": {}

Remove extended ACL from specified path.

If mode is specified then the mode will be applied to the path and files and subdirectories depending on which options are selected. Mode should be formatted as string representation of octal permissions bits.

uid the desired UID of the file user. If set to None (the default), then user is not changed.

gid the desired GID of the file group. If set to None (the default), then group is not changed.

stripacl setperm will fail if an extended ACL is present on path, unless stripacl is set to True.

recursive remove ACLs recursively, but do not traverse dataset boundaries.

traverse remove ACLs from child datasets.

If no mode is set, and stripacl is True, then non-trivial ACLs will be converted to trivial ACLs. An ACL is trivial if it can be expressed as a file mode without losing any access rules.

It’s actually setperm that I need but I’m already using it for the pure api scale driver so should be easy to leverage that code. Will take me a little bit to rework everything but should be doable.

Reworked code to use the api for resize / permissions operations here: d275ecc

You can test it out using the next images. The only TrueNAS scenario that doesn't currently work is iscsi resizing in SCALE when using the ssh-based driver (there is no working api method to do this atm). If using the api-only driver with SCALE resizing works fine because the call to resize the volume automatically handles the lun resize operation transparently through the api.

I uninstalled everything thinking I'd use a clean install of your "next" image, but I'm not sure how to consume that image via helm. What's the right way to do this? I thought it would just be some combination of democratic-csi/democratic-csi/next or democratic-csi/democratic-csi:next

values.yaml for helm

    image: democraticcsi/democratic-csi:next
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    logLevel: debug

    image: democraticcsi/democratic-csi:next
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    logLevel: debug

And then use the values.yaml like this?

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --values values.yaml --values freenas-iscsi.yaml --namespace democratic-csi zfs-iscsi democratic-csi/democratic-csi

Was trying to confirm it was using the next image...

$ kubectl get pods -n democratic-csi -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].image}" | tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' | grep next | uniq


I'll do some testing on it tomorrow, thanks for the assistance.

I should note that when using the api for chown you must set the values to numeric values and cannot use user and group names.

I reviewed the freenas-iscsi.yaml and didn't see where to set numeric values, I don't have any user or group names defined.

I completely removed the ssh section, just left the API section:

    driver: freenas-iscsi
      protocol: https
      port: 443
      apiKey: [ REDACTED ]
      allowInsecure: False
      #apiVersion: 2

Test claim went fine:

$ kubectl -n democratic-csi create -f test-claim-iscsi.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/test-claim-iscsi created

  Type    Reason                 Age                From                                                                                                               Message
  ----    ------                 ----               ----                                                                                                               -------
  Normal  Provisioning           35s                org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7cf8c844f-wh89s_cc168fe8-c63e-42f6-9859-3ae2ae823530  External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "democratic-csi/test-claim-iscsi"
  Normal  ExternalProvisioning   32s (x3 over 35s)  persistentvolume-controller                                                                                        waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "org.democratic-csi.iscsi" or manually created by system administrator
  Normal  ProvisioningSucceeded  31s                org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7cf8c844f-wh89s_cc168fe8-c63e-42f6-9859-3ae2ae823530  Successfully provisioned volume pvc-12e8d579-5e2f-4004-9841-8db4f0ab8309

Tried to edit the claim:

$ kubectl edit pvc test-claim-iscsi -n democratic-csi 
persistentvolumeclaim/test-claim-iscsi edited

  Type                      Status  LastProbeTime                     LastTransitionTime                Reason  Message
  ----                      ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------  -------
  FileSystemResizePending   True    Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000   Tue, 01 Mar 2022 09:21:24 -0500           Waiting for user to (re-)start a pod to finish file system resize of volume on node.
  Type     Reason                    Age                   From                                                                                                               Message
  ----     ------                    ----                  ----                                                                                                               -------
  Normal   Provisioning              7m1s                  org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7cf8c844f-wh89s_cc168fe8-c63e-42f6-9859-3ae2ae823530  External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "democratic-csi/test-claim-iscsi"
  Normal   ExternalProvisioning      6m58s (x3 over 7m1s)  persistentvolume-controller                                                                                        waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "org.democratic-csi.iscsi" or manually created by system administrator
  Normal   ProvisioningSucceeded     6m57s                 org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7cf8c844f-wh89s_cc168fe8-c63e-42f6-9859-3ae2ae823530  Successfully provisioned volume pvc-12e8d579-5e2f-4004-9841-8db4f0ab8309
  Warning  ExternalExpanding         47s                   volume_expand                                                                                                      Ignoring the PVC: didn't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
  Normal   Resizing                  47s                   external-resizer org.democratic-csi.iscsi                                                                          External resizer is resizing volume pvc-12e8d579-5e2f-4004-9841-8db4f0ab8309
  Normal   FileSystemResizeRequired  46s                   external-resizer org.democratic-csi.iscsi                                                                          Require file system resize of volume on node

I noticed the condition to restart the node, so I tried this:

$ kubectl -n democratic-csi rollout restart daemonsets,deployment
daemonset.apps/zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-node restarted
deployment.apps/zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller restarted

But the condition remains...

  Type                      Status  LastProbeTime                     LastTransitionTime                Reason  Message
  ----                      ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------  -------
  FileSystemResizePending   True    Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000   Tue, 01 Mar 2022 09:21:24 -0500           Waiting for user to (re-)start a pod to finish file system resize of volume on node.
  Type     Reason                    Age                From                                                                                                               Message
  ----     ------                    ----               ----                                                                                                               -------
  Normal   Provisioning              32m                org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7cf8c844f-wh89s_cc168fe8-c63e-42f6-9859-3ae2ae823530  External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "democratic-csi/test-claim-iscsi"
  Normal   ExternalProvisioning      32m (x3 over 32m)  persistentvolume-controller                                                                                        waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "org.democratic-csi.iscsi" or manually created by system administrator
  Normal   ProvisioningSucceeded     32m                org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-7cf8c844f-wh89s_cc168fe8-c63e-42f6-9859-3ae2ae823530  Successfully provisioned volume pvc-12e8d579-5e2f-4004-9841-8db4f0ab8309
  Warning  ExternalExpanding         26m                volume_expand                                                                                                      Ignoring the PVC: didn't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
  Normal   Resizing                  26m                external-resizer org.democratic-csi.iscsi                                                                          External resizer is resizing volume pvc-12e8d579-5e2f-4004-9841-8db4f0ab8309
  Normal   FileSystemResizeRequired  26m                external-resizer org.democratic-csi.iscsi                                                                          Require file system resize of volume on node

I don't see any obvious errors.... suggestions?

You can't remove the ssh section. All zfs operations still run over ssh. The FileSystemResizePending does not mean you need to restart the csi pods, it simply means a pod must be using the volume and the node resize process will happen (it will resize the filesystem on the lun). When that condition appears (despite the message) just sit and exercise will resize on it's own (assuming a pod is actively using the volume).

Regarding the user/group those settings are only applicable to nfs so not an issue with iscsi. I'm referring to these config options:

  datasetPermissionsMode: "0777"
  datasetPermissionsUser: root # must be numeric when using api to set permissions
  datasetPermissionsGroup: wheel # must be numeric when using api to set permissions

Went back over my notes, while I removed the SSH section from the yaml, I did not reinstall the helm chart.. so that edit didn't do anything.

After some more testing, created a new claim, created a nginx pod to use the claim, and then resized the claim with the nginix pod running and just waited a few seconds and I think everything worked as expected.

The 2nd claim bumped to 2Gi

kubectl get pvc -A
NAMESPACE        NAME               STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS        AGE
democratic-csi   test-claim-iscsi   Bound    pvc-12e8d579-5e2f-4004-9841-8db4f0ab8309   1Gi        RWO            freenas-iscsi-csi   132m
default          test-claim-iscsi   Bound    pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627   2Gi        RWO            freenas-iscsi-csi   10m
Capacity:      2Gi
Access Modes:  RWO
VolumeMode:    Filesystem
Used By:       task-pv-pod
  Type     Reason                      Age    From                                                                                                                Message
  ----     ------                      ----   ----                                                                                                                -------
  Normal   ExternalProvisioning        7m26s  persistentvolume-controller                                                                                         waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "org.democratic-csi.iscsi" or manually created by system administrator
  Normal   Provisioning                7m26s  org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-59f5f77864-fqj29_5ddcb17a-4c73-4dd8-b616-c6d60fa405b5  External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "default/test-claim-iscsi"
  Normal   ProvisioningSucceeded       7m22s  org.democratic-csi.iscsi_zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-59f5f77864-fqj29_5ddcb17a-4c73-4dd8-b616-c6d60fa405b5  Successfully provisioned volume pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627
  Warning  ExternalExpanding           43s    volume_expand                                                                                                       Ignoring the PVC: didn't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
  Normal   Resizing                    43s    external-resizer org.democratic-csi.iscsi                                                                           External resizer is resizing volume pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627
  Normal   FileSystemResizeRequired    42s    external-resizer org.democratic-csi.iscsi                                                                           Require file system resize of volume on node
  Normal   FileSystemResizeSuccessful  15s    kubelet                                                                                                             MountVolume.NodeExpandVolume succeeded for volume "pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627"

Inside the pod:

# df -h /usr/share/nginx/html
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdd        2.0G   35M  2.0G   2% /usr/share/nginx/html

Anything else to check?

Great! Not really other than to make sure the api call was used to reload ctld vs a command over ssh. If the user does not have sudo then that's pretty well a given that it worked so we're probably good.

If you wish to confirm with certainty you would need to review the logs of the controller pod (csi-driver container) and look for the reload service api request.

I see this on the TrueNAS side, I assume that isn't important?
Mar 1 11:17:39 truenas 1 2022-03-01T11:17:39.677313-05:00 truenas.[REDACTED] ctld 91366 - - no LUNs defined for target ""

Found in the csi-driver logs:

{"level":"verbose","message":"FreeNAS reloading iscsi daemon using api","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"FREENAS HTTP REQUEST: {\"method\":\"POST\",\"url\":\"https://truenas.[REDACTED]/api/v2.0/service/reload\",\"headers\":{\"Accept\":\"application/json\",\"User-Agent\":\"democratic-csi-driver\",\"Content-Type\":\"application/json\"},\"json\":true,\"body\":{\"service\":\"iscsitarget\",\"service-control\":{\"ha_propagate\":true}},\"agentOptions\":{\"rejectUnauthorized\":true}}","service":"democratic-csi"}


{"level":"info","message":"new response - driver: FreeNASSshDriver method: ControllerGetCapabilities response: {\"capabilities\":[{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"CREATE_DELETE_VOLUME\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"LIST_VOLUMES\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"GET_CAPACITY\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"CREATE_DELETE_SNAPSHOT\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"LIST_SNAPSHOTS\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"CLONE_VOLUME\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"EXPAND_VOLUME\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"GET_VOLUME\"}},{\"rpc\":{\"type\":\"SINGLE_NODE_MULTI_WRITER\"}}]}","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"info","message":"new request - driver: FreeNASSshDriver method: ControllerExpandVolume call: {\"_events\":{},\"_eventsCount\":1,\"call\":{},\"cancelled\":false,\"metadata\":{\"_internal_repr\":{\"user-agent\":[\"grpc-go/1.40.0\"]},\"flags\":0},\"request\":{\"secrets\":\"redacted\",\"volume_id\":\"pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627\",\"capacity_range\":{\"required_bytes\":\"2147483648\",\"limit_bytes\":\"0\"},\"volume_capability\":{\"access_mode\":{\"mode\":\"SINGLE_NODE_MULTI_WRITER\"},\"mount\":{\"mount_flags\":[],\"fs_type\":\"xfs\",\"volume_mount_group\":\"\"},\"access_type\":\"mount\"}}}","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"operation lock keys: [\"volume_id_pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627\"]","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"verbose","message":"ZfsProcessManager command: /usr/local/sbin/zfs get -Hp -o name,property,value,received,source volblocksize main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"verbose","message":"ZfsProcessManager command: /usr/local/sbin/zfs set volsize=\"2147483648\" main/k8s/iscsi/v/pvc-1c25c12a-b338-49eb-81c4-e413417e0627","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"verbose","message":"FreeNAS reloading iscsi daemon using api","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"FREENAS HTTP REQUEST: {\"method\":\"POST\",\"url\":\"https://truenas.[REDACTED]/api/v2.0/service/reload\",\"headers\":{\"Accept\":\"application/json\",\"User-Agent\":\"democratic-csi-driver\",\"Content-Type\":\"application/json\"},\"json\":true,\"body\":{\"service\":\"iscsitarget\",\"service-control\":{\"ha_propagate\":true}},\"agentOptions\":{\"rejectUnauthorized\":true}}","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"FREENAS HTTP ERROR: null","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"FREENAS HTTP STATUS: 200","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"FREENAS HTTP HEADERS: {\"server\":\"nginx\",\"date\":\"Tue, 01 Mar 2022 16:24:21 GMT\",\"content-type\":\"text/plain; charset=utf-8\",\"content-length\":\"4\",\"connection\":\"close\",\"strict-transport-security\":\"max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload\",\"x-content-type-options\":\"nosniff\",\"x-xss-protection\":\"1; mode=block\",\"permissions-policy\":\"geolocation=(),midi=(),sync-xhr=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()\",\"referrer-policy\":\"strict-origin\",\"x-frame-options\":\"SAMEORIGIN\"}","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"FREENAS HTTP BODY: true","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"info","message":"new response - driver: FreeNASSshDriver method: ControllerExpandVolume response: {\"capacity_bytes\":2147483648,\"node_expansion_required\":true}","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"info","message":"new request - driver: FreeNASSshDriver method: Probe call: {\"_events\":{},\"_eventsCount\":1,\"call\":{},\"cancelled\":false,\"metadata\":{\"_internal_repr\":{\"user-agent\":[\"grpc-node/1.24.0-pre1 grpc-c/8.0.0 (linux; chttp2; game)\"]},\"flags\":0},\"request\":{}}","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"debug","message":"performing exec sanity check..","service":"democratic-csi"}
{"level":"info","message":"new response - driver: FreeNASSshDriver method: Probe response: {\"ready\":{\"value\":true}}","service":"democratic-csi"}

I don't know why you would see that warning...I'm assuming there is indeed a lun defined for the target otherwise you wouldn't be able to attach to it and use the volume.

In any case, the logs look exactly like what we're after so that part is good.

It shows lun 0 -- perhaps it assigns 0 if one is not specified?

I just did:

$ kubectl apply -f pv-pod.yaml 
persistentvolumeclaim/test-claim-iscsi created
pod/task-pv-pod created

TrueNAS Console then shows:
Mar 1 12:57:19 truenas 1 2022-03-01T12:57:19.778710-05:00 truenas ctld 91366 - - no LUNs defined for target ""

Is there an annotation (or something else) which can be used in the claim to populate the extent's "Description" field?

Well, was that error from when the volume was provisioned? You should only see that during initial creation of the volume as the target gets created and then later the lun assigned (never to be removed unless/until the volume is deleted).

                comment: "", // TODO: allow this to be templated

I guess I never allowed for setting the comment on the extent field..

                comment: "", // TODO: allow this to be templated

I guess I never allowed for setting the comment on the extent field..

Should I open an issue to request this?


zrav commented

Has someone been able to get rootless NFS shares working on Linux?

Can you elaborate more on what you want to achieve?

zrav commented

I want to avoid having to give root access to the CSI driver on the storage box. The problems seems to be that new NFS exports cannot be created by non-root users on Linux. Unable to create temporary file: Permission deniedcannot share 'tank/k8s/ds: system error': NFS share creation failed property may be set but unable to reshare filesystem

Which driver are you using? Can you send over the logs?

zrav commented

This is before even using the driver, just manually settings the sharenfs property as a non-root user. I can reproduce this on different hosts. I just wanted to confirm that this is expected and that no workaround exists.

I see so you're using delegated permissions and trying to set the sharenfs property on the dataset as a non-root user and that failure is what you see?

zrav commented

Correct. Environment is Ubuntu 22.04.

Do you have all the deps installed? openzfs/zfs#4534

zrav commented

Yes of course. I'm perfectly able to create the export as root. Are you able to create it as non-root on Linux?

I've never actually tried to run a fully delegated setup no. Just wanted to make sure it was specific to delegation and not a general issue.

Honestly that behavior seems odd to me but I don't exactly how the internals of it are handled by zfsd or whatever it is that handles those. Do the exports generally show up in /etc/exports or similar when run successfully as root?

zrav commented

Zfs doesn't use /etc/exports to create the share. Instead it alters /var/lib/nfs/etab and calls exportfs. I tried changing owners of the directory and files, but that doesn't help. The error seems to come from however I don't know where it's trying to create the temp file.

Well you certainly know more than me about the matter! I've just asked in the irc channel to see if anyone has some input they can provide.

Can you possibly run the zfs command with strace to figure out what folder etc it's trying to create etc?

zrav commented

Thanks for the hint. With strace I found that it was trying to write to /etc/exports.d/zfs.exports. Giving permissions on this file (and directory) setting the sharenfs property did not err anymore, however the share was still not created. I additionally had to give permissions to /var/lib/nfs/etab (and containing directory), then it works.! :)

We definitely need to get that documented!

It would be great to test the same for sharesmb as well and document what is needed there. The upcoming release will debut support for windows nodes/clusters and so smb has far greater test coverage etc than previously.

zrav commented

I managed to get non-root sharesmb going, too:
Apart from the zfs allow permissions, it also requires write access to /etc/exports.d/zfs.exports. Additionally, smb.conf needs usershare allow guests = yes and the user must be part of the sambashare group.

targetcli was made more robust to support sudo here: f626a93

I think this was the last place that required sudo on something other than zfs: bd08538

Essentially that should fix it to use sudo on the zfs commands individually instead of a whole sh -c ... command.

Released in v1.7.0