
Blank line before lower-numbered (higher-level) heading

katylava opened this issue · 3 comments

Is there a way to not fold the blank line before a heading into the previous fold?


I have a blank line before "Timeline", but it gets folded into the level 3 block above it. When I look at this I get confused and think maybe it didn't unfold correctly, or I made a mistake and that "Timeline" should also be a level 3 heading.

I would only expect the blank line to show if the heading is higher in the hierarchy than the previous fold.

I like this idea and would find it useful as well.

(Though, it seems development of this pacakge is a bit stalled at the moment,)

Hi @alehandrof I'm trying to find a new maintainer for this repo, are you interested?

I'm interested, but I'm not appropriate. I can review PRs and stuff, but I don't have enough Python to, for example, implement this request.