
A guided configuration generator for the VoIP Monitor that offers descriptions of each parameter and helps proper choice of parameters.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a configuration generator application for the VoIP Monitor. It provides an easy-to-use GUI for understanding the configuration parameters, and guides in creating a configuration file for your VoIP Monitor installation. This created config can then be consumed by your installation very simply.

How to Use

  1. Simply clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/demoncoder95/voipmonitor-config-generator.git
  2. switch to the master branch

    git checkout master
  3. Run the main.py script. It should work with all Python versions. I've tested with Python 3.8.2. The CLI version simply dumps all the available parameters to the terminal and provides total count per category and the overall total count.

  4. Run the gui_main.py script for the GUI version. You'll need to install the PyQt5 library. The GUI version allows for configuration generation by selecting parameters through checkboxes. You can also preview the config before saving it to a file.