- alysondeivesFlorianĂłpolis, SC, Brazil
- cccheng@Synology
- cmdev8
- dendibakhIntel
- fengjixuchui
- fggarcia
- gl-sergei
- GrackerPerformance
- guociUniversity of Michigan
- honey-speaks-techJLR
- ipfans
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- jhcloos
- liexusongGuangZhou, China
- lvccgdUkraine
- moonlinux
- nickbednerNick Bedner
- nickfantasy
- niuxilei
- ph0bIntel Corporation
- phprusRussia
- plokhotnyukDisney Streaming
- QAInsightsQAInsights @perfinsights
- qrealkaHuawei Research Lab
- reductorAustralia
- sabl0rBlueGFX
- sferlinRed Hat
- songdongshengGuangzhou, China
- t0350
- timothyklim
- trycatcher
- ujos
- vinjnNVIDIA
- xdev-developer
- yoyz
- yuanshuoastroNational Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC)