A set of bare-bones example mini-driver to control a mobile robot using rosbridge over websockets, tested on Python 2.7
Rosbridge enables virtually any device to interact with a ROS system. This example on a particular ROS robot with enabled websockets rosbridge, Vector by Waypoint Robotics (http://waypointrobotics.com).
See driver_use_example.py for how-to use the driver
python driver_use_example.py
Other than Python, it only requires the ws4py websocket library to be installed: pip install ws4py' or see: https://ws4py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sources/install/
Inspired by https://github.com/Sanic/ROSBridgeTestclient and this answer: https://answers.ros.org/question/40020/thin-clients-communicating-with-ros/