
An AI Control Centre for monitoring, authenticating, and providing resilient access to multiple Open AI services.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

AI Central

main License NuGet Status

Alt text

AI Central gives you control over your AI services.

  • Intelligent Routing
    • Random endpoint selector
    • Prioritised endpoint selector with fallback
    • Lowest Latency endpoint selector
  • Can proxy asynchronous requests such as Azure Open AI Image Generation across fleets of servers
  • Custom consumer OAuth2 authorisation
  • Circuit breakers, and backoff-retry over downstream AI services
  • Local token rate limiting
    • By consumer / by endpoint
    • By number of tokens (including streaming by estimated token count)
  • Local request rate limiting
    • By consumer / by endpoint
  • Bulkhead support for buffering requests to backend
  • Prompt and usage logging to Azure Monitor
    • Works for streaming endpoints as-well as non streaming

Extensibility model makes it easy to build your own plugins


See Configuration for more details.

The Azure Open AI SDK retries by default. As AI Central does this for you you can turn it off in the client by passing new Azure.AI.OpenAI.OpenAIClientOptions() { RetryPolicy = null } when you create an OpenAIClient


This sample produces a AI-Central proxy that

  • Listens on a hostname of your choosing
  • Proxies directly through to a back-end Open AI server
  • Can be accessed using standard SDKs



# Run container in Docker, referencing a local configuration file
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .\appsettings.Development.json:/app/appsettings.Development.json -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development graemefoster/aicentral:latest

Asp.Net CORE

#Create new project and bootstrap the AICentral nuget package
dotnet new web -o MyAICentral
cd MyAICentral
dotnet add package AICentral
#dotnet add package AICentral.Logging.AzureMonitor


//Minimal API to configure AI Central
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


    //if using logging extension
    additionalComponentAssemblies: [ typeof(AzureMonitorLoggerFactory).Assembly ]

var app = builder.Build();



  "AICentral": {
    "Endpoints": [
        "Type": "AzureOpenAIEndpoint",
        "Name": "openai-1",
        "Properties": {
          "LanguageEndpoint": "https://<my-ai>.openai.azure.com"
    "AuthProviders": [
        "Type": "AllowAnonymous",
        "Name": "allow-anonymous-auth"
    "EndpointSelectors": [
        "Type": "SingleEndpoint",
        "Name": "default",
        "Properties": {
          "Endpoint": "openai-1"
    "Pipelines": [
        "Name": "AzureOpenAIPipeline",
        "Host": "mypipeline.mydomain.com",
        "AuthProvider": "allow-anonymous-auth",
        "EndpointSelector": "default"

Full example

This pipeline will:

  • Present an Azure Open AI, and an Open AI downstream as a single upstream endpoint
    • maps incoming Azure Open AI deployments to Open AI models
  • Present it as an Azure Open AI style endpoint
  • Protect the front-end by requiring an AAD token issued for your own AAD application
  • Put a local Asp.Net core rate-limiting policy over the endpoint
  • Add logging to Azure monitor
    • Logs quota, client caller information, and in this case the Prompt but not the response.
  "AICentral": {
    "Endpoints": [
        "Type": "AzureOpenAIEndpoint",
        "Name": "openai-priority",
        "Properties": {
          "LanguageEndpoint": "https://<my-ai>.openai.azure.com",
          "AuthenticationType": "Entra|EntraPassThrough|ApiKey"
        "Type": "OpenAIEndpoint",
        "Name": "openai-fallback",
        "Properties": {
          "LanguageEndpoint": "https://api.openai.com",
          "ModelMappings": {
            "Gpt35Turbo0613": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
            "Ada002Embedding": "text-embedding-ada-002"
          "ApiKey": "<my-api-key>",
          "Organization": "<optional-organisation>"
    "AuthProviders": [
        "Type": "Entra",
        "Name": "simple-aad",
        "Properties": {
          "Entra": {
            "ClientId": "<my-client-id>",
            "TenantId": "<my-tenant-id>",
            "Instance": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
            "Audience": "<custom-audience>"
          "Requirements" : {
            "Roles": ["required-roles"]
    "EndpointSelectors": [
        "Type": "Prioritised",
        "Name": "my-endpoint-selector",
        "Properties": {
          "PriorityEndpoints": ["openai-1"],
          "FallbackEndpoints": ["openai-fallback"]
    "GenericSteps": [
        "Type": "AspNetCoreFixedWindowRateLimiting",
        "Name": "window-rate-limiter",
        "Properties": {
          "LimitType": "PerConsumer|PerAICentralEndpoint",
          "MetricType": "Requests",
          "Options": {
            "Window": "00:00:10",
            "PermitLimit": 100
        "Type": "AzureMonitorLogger",
        "Name": "azure-monitor-logger",
        "Properties": {
          "WorkspaceId": "<workspace-id>",
          "Key": "<key>",
          "LogPrompt": true,
          "LogResponse": false
    "Pipelines": [
        "Name": "MyPipeline",
        "Host": "prioritypipeline.mydomain.com",
        "EndpointSelector": "my-endpoint-selector",
        "AuthProvider": "simple-aad",
        "Steps": [