
Unclosed client - connectionaborted after a while

decosvaldo opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi guys.

I'm testing Deno on a new web application and I'm importing, creating and using the same mysql client on several functions. I've noticed that, after the first load and some idle time, I get no error logs until I refresh the page, then, the application crashes and I receive: INFO close connection and a connection aborted error.

I read some posts suggesting to set 0 on idleTimeout, didn't undestand why but it took no effect...

Should I create and close a new client every time I need to use it or there maybe something wrong with the module? How this connection pool (poolSize) works? Will it use existing clients and recreate a new one if necessary?

My client config is:

import { Client } from "../deps.ts"

const client = await new Client().connect({
    hostname: Deno.env.get('MYSQLHOST'),
    username: Deno.env.get('MYSQLUSERNAME'),
    db: Deno.env.get('MYSQLDATABASE'),
    poolSize: 5, // connection limit
    password: Deno.env.get('MYSQLPASSWORD')

export {

And I'm importing this same client on several functions inside my application.
Using latest Deno version. Same case here.

Thank you.