
transaction.queryArray(query, args) call signature broken.

KyleJune opened this issue · 1 comments

async queryArray<T extends Array<unknown>>(query: string, args?: QueryArguments): Promise<QueryArrayResult<T>>;

When I do the following

transaction.queryArray('INSERT INTO "user" (id, username) VALUES ($1, $2)', [ 0, "user0" ])

I get the following error.

error: TransactionError: The transaction "migrate_apply_0" has been aborted due to `PostgresError: bind message supplies 1 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 2`. Check the "cause" property to get more details
        throw new TransactionError(, e);
    at Transaction.queryArray (
    at async PostgresMigrate._applyQueries (file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres.ts:166:11)
    at async PostgresMigrate.apply (file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres.ts:186:9)
    at async assertApplyFirst (file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres_test.ts:421:5)
    at async file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres_test.ts:501:5
    at async fn (
Caused by: PostgresError: bind message supplies 1 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 2
    at Connection.#preparedQuery (
    at async Connection.query (
    at async Transaction.queryArray (
    at async PostgresMigrate._applyQueries (file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres.ts:166:11)
    at async PostgresMigrate.apply (file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres.ts:186:9)
    at async assertApplyFirst (file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres_test.ts:421:5)
    at async file:///home/kyle/Projects/deno/migrate/postgres_test.ts:501:5
    at async fn (

The error doesn't occur when using client.queryArray. It appears the issue is that the transaction.queryArray function mistakes it for the template string call signature.

A full example can be found in the following PR.

My "PostgresMigrate apply apply migration queries" test fails but the equivalent not using a transaction passes.
The one that passes is called "PostgresMigrate apply apply migration queries with disableTransaction".

I've verified this is already fixed on main branch.