
Soundness issues with cppgc

0f-0b opened this issue · 3 comments

  • try_unwrap_cppgc_object relies on the tag field in CppGcObject<T> being located at a constant offset. However, the order of tag and member may change depending on T. This makes it possible to implement transmute for 'static types without unsafe.

    pub fn transmute_static<Src: 'static, Dst: 'static>(src: Src) -> Dst {
      use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
      use std::cell::Cell;
      use deno_core::cppgc::make_cppgc_object;
      use deno_core::{op2, v8, JsRuntime, OpState, RuntimeOptions};
      #[repr(C, align(32))]
      struct SrcObject<Src> {
        tag: TypeId,
        value: Cell<Option<Box<Src>>>,
      fn op_take_src<'a, Src: Any>(
        scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>,
        state: &mut OpState,
      ) -> v8::Local<'a, v8::Object> {
        make_cppgc_object(scope, state.take::<SrcObject<Src>>())
      fn op_put_dst<Dst: Any>(state: &mut OpState, #[cppgc] dst: &Cell<Option<Box<Dst>>>) {
        parameters = [Src: Any, Dst: Any],
        ops = [op_take_src<Src>, op_put_dst<Dst>],
        esm_entry_point = "ext:transmute",
        esm = ["ext:transmute" = {
          source = r#"
            import { op_put_dst, op_take_src } from "ext:core/ops";
        options = {
          src: Src,
        state = |state, options| {
          state.put(SrcObject {
            tag: TypeId::of::<Cell<Option<Box<Dst>>>>(),
            value: Cell::new(Some(Box::new(options.src))),
      let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
        extensions: vec![transmute::init_ops_and_esm::<Src, Dst>(src)],
      let state_rc = runtime.op_state();
      let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();
  • try_unwrap_cppgc_object makes the assumption that no other code can create an object with internal fields containing pointer values, but neither set_internal_field_count nor set_aligned_pointer_in_internal_field is marked unsafe. This again leads to an "entirely safe" transmute.

    pub fn transmute_static_2<Src: 'static, Dst: 'static>(src: Src) -> Dst {
      use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
      use std::cell::Cell;
      use std::ptr;
      use deno_core::{op2, v8, JsRuntime, OpState, RuntimeOptions};
      struct SrcObject<Src> {
        tag: TypeId,
        value: Cell<Option<Box<Src>>>,
      fn op_take_src<'a, Src: Any>(
        scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>,
        state: &mut OpState,
      ) -> v8::Local<'a, v8::Object> {
        struct InnerMember<T> {
          inner: [usize; 2],
          ptr: Box<T>,
        let member = Box::new(InnerMember {
          inner: [0, 0],
          ptr: Box::new(state.take::<SrcObject<Src>>()),
        let templ = v8::ObjectTemplate::new(scope);
        let obj = templ.new_instance(scope).unwrap();
        obj.set_aligned_pointer_in_internal_field(0, ptr::from_ref(&0xde90).cast());
        obj.set_aligned_pointer_in_internal_field(1, Box::into_raw(member).cast());
      fn op_put_dst<Dst: Any>(state: &mut OpState, #[cppgc] dst: &Cell<Option<Box<Dst>>>) {
        parameters = [Src: Any, Dst: Any],
        ops = [op_take_src<Src>, op_put_dst<Dst>],
        esm_entry_point = "ext:transmute",
        esm = ["ext:transmute" = {
          source = r#"
            import { op_put_dst, op_take_src } from "ext:core/ops";
        options = {
          src: Src,
        state = |state, options| {
          state.put(SrcObject {
            tag: TypeId::of::<Cell<Option<Box<Dst>>>>(),
            value: Cell::new(Some(Box::new(options.src))),
      let mut runtime = JsRuntime::new(RuntimeOptions {
        extensions: vec![transmute::init_ops_and_esm::<Src, Dst>(src)],
      let state_rc = runtime.op_state();
      let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut();

Looks like we should make make_garbage_collected and v8::cppgc::GarbageCollected unsafe in rusty_v8. CppGcObject should definitely be repr(C).

try_unwrap_cppgc_object should be marked unsafe. I don't see why we need to make make_garbage_collected unsafe though.

I have edited the code above to not use make_garbage_collected. I also found that a segfault can be triggered by the following innocent-looking code. Is this maybe a V8 bug?

fn main() {
  let platform = v8::new_default_platform(0, false).make_shared();

  let isolate = &mut v8::Isolate::new(v8::CreateParams::default());
  let heap = v8::cppgc::Heap::create(
    v8::cppgc::HeapCreateParams::new(v8::cppgc::WrapperDescriptor::new(0, 1, 0xf7ba)),

  let handle_scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(isolate);
  let context = v8::Context::new(handle_scope);
  let scope = &mut v8::ContextScope::new(handle_scope, context);

  let templ = v8::ObjectTemplate::new(scope);
  let obj = templ.new_instance(scope).unwrap();
  obj.set_internal_field(0, v8::Integer::new(scope, -1).into());
  obj.set_internal_field(1, v8::Integer::new(scope, -1).into());


Update: WrapperDescriptor is deprecated now. There is no other safe API that can cause integers in internal fields to be reinterpreted as pointers, so this particular segfault can be considered fixed.