
Publish tags with distro's version and codename variants

felipecrs opened this issue · 3 comments

Such as in, something like:


So on and so forth. As the deno installation and the rest of steps are very likely not going to change between these versions, they can be generated as build args.

We already publish the name of the OS in the image name, I feel that's enough really 🤷 plus I think it's more meaningful to most people than "focal" or "bionic"

Actually, I meant publishing more variants, so users could have more granularity about the version of the distro they choose as base.

As a user, I could have special needs for using specifically ubuntu20.04. With the current approach, I cannot pin the version of ubuntu to 20.04, and in the future, it could get updated.

Oh. Yeah the build matrix required to maintain that honestly scares me a bit, I'm not sure I want to go down that route. If that 's something users need, building a custom image themselves shouldn't be hard thanks to Deno being distributed as a single standalone binary.