
Alpine 3.15?

danopia opened this issue · 5 comments

I see that this alpine image is based on Alpine 3.13, which is two versions behind.

What's the attitude for upgrading? Should it be bundled into the next Deno minor version, or just done now on a patch, or should the two bases be available in parallel for a bit (-alpine3.13, -alpine3.15)?

There are already 3.15 images available from the glibc base:

hayd commented

Personally I think updating to the latest is fine/not worth having parallel/a complex matrix.

For reference I pinned the version of Alpine to 3.13 a few months ago because version 3.14 had a known issue with Make that crashed the build.

Ah yeah, there was a docker incompatibility introduced in 3.14, I saw it from a Ruby program back then. So a newer image should probably coincide with a minor release with a 'partially incompatible with docker x.y.z or earlier' footnote.

I only saw this issue myself on CircleCI and they have been running an upgraded docker for months now, long enough for it to escape my memory :)

PR are welcome to upgrade Alpine image.

hayd commented

The one line change seems to build

-FROM frolvlad/alpine-glibc:alpine-3.13
+FROM frolvlad/alpine-glibc:alpine-3.15

but I've no idea if #152 (cc @mitranim) is still relevant.... It seems like the make issue is fixed with updating docker client? (For me the failing make example actually works on 3.14 🤷 .)