Typescript Errors on Deno 1.16.3
quaos opened this issue · 0 comments
quaos commented
Issue type:
[ ] question
[x] bug report
[ ] feature request
[ ] documentation issue
Database system/driver:
[ ] cordova
[x] mongodb
[ ] mssql
[ ] mysql
/ mariadb
[ ] oracle
[x] postgres
[ ] cockroachdb
[x] sqlite
[x] sqljs
[ ] react-native
[ ] expo
TypeORM version:
[ ] latest
[ ] @next
[x] 0.2.23-rc10
Deno version:
deno 1.16.3 (release, x86_64-apple-darwin)
typescript 4.4.2
Steps to reproduce or a small repository showing the problem:
I have a backend app using TypeORM. Lately I've upgraded Deno to latest version, and bump TypeORM to v0.2.23-rc10
. But when trying to run the app I got following errors:
Check file:///Users/q/Projects/qp-www-all/backend/main.ts
error: TS2339 [ERROR]: Property 'getIterator' does not exist on type 'ReadableStream<R>'.
return res.readable.getIterator();
at https://deno.land/std@0.74.0/async/pool.ts:45:23
TS2612 [ERROR]: Property 'manager' will overwrite the base property in 'Repository<Entity>'. If this is intentional, add an initializer. Otherwise, add a 'declare' modifier or remove the redundant declaration.
readonly manager!: MongoEntityManager;
at https://deno.land/x/typeorm@v0.2.23-rc10/src/repository/MongoRepository.ts:51:14
TS2612 [ERROR]: Property 'databaseConnection' will overwrite the base property in 'BaseQueryRunner'. If this is intentional, add an initializer. Otherwise, add a 'declare' modifier or remove the redundant declaration.
protected databaseConnection!: PoolClient;
at https://deno.land/x/typeorm@v0.2.23-rc10/src/driver/postgres/PostgresQueryRunner.ts:57:15
TS2612 [ERROR]: Property 'databaseConnection' will overwrite the base property in 'BaseQueryRunner'. If this is intentional, add an initializer. Otherwise, add a 'declare' modifier or remove the redundant declaration.
protected databaseConnection!: [Connection, () => Promise<void>];
at https://deno.land/x/typeorm@v0.2.23-rc10/src/driver/mysql/MysqlQueryRunner.ts:54:15
TS2612 [ERROR]: Property 'options' will overwrite the base property in 'AbstractSqliteDriver'. If this is intentional, add an initializer. Otherwise, add a 'declare' modifier or remove the redundant declaration.
options!: SqljsConnectionOptions;
at https://deno.land/x/typeorm@v0.2.23-rc10/src/driver/sqljs/SqljsDriver.ts:23:5
TS2612 [ERROR]: Property 'databaseConnection' will overwrite the base property in 'AbstractSqliteDriver'. If this is intentional, add an initializer. Otherwise, add a 'declare' modifier or remove the redundant declaration.
databaseConnection!: DB;
at https://deno.land/x/typeorm@v0.2.23-rc10/src/driver/sqlite/SqliteDriver.ts:29:5
TS2612 [ERROR]: Property 'sqlite' will overwrite the base property in 'AbstractSqliteDriver'. If this is intentional, add an initializer. Otherwise, add a 'declare' modifier or remove the redundant declaration.
sqlite!: DenoSqlite;
at https://deno.land/x/typeorm@v0.2.23-rc10/src/driver/sqlite/SqliteDriver.ts:31:5
Found 7 errors.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.