Running neural on range of lines
jschwarz89 opened this issue · 3 comments
When I select a range of lines to ask a question about (such as shown in the example video) I'm getting, open executing "'<,'>:Neural": "E481: No range allowed". Similarly, I can't ask questions specifically on a selected code. What am I doing wrong?
@jschwarz89 I broke it and I'll be fixing it again, most likely. I'm going to remove the video from the README as it's wrong, and we'll add a better one back again.
I will also mention, I am wholly opposed to any feature that sends lines of code to a third party provider over IP protection concerns. I believe the plugin will be banned from the workplace if it makes it easy to leak IP. I would certainly ban it from my team if it behaved that way. I am investigating semantically analysing code and sending an intermediate representation to third parties so no code is ever shared implicitly with any third party with @Angelchev .
EDIT: I have opened a new issue clarifying what the plan for this feature is, and I have laid all of my thoughts out so they should be clear: #16