Better security for API key
danymat opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello !
Thank you for this amazing plugin!
As a lot of people, including me, put our configuration plugins in git, I would prefer to have a way to not write the key into the configuration options.
What about adding a way to retrieve environment variables ?
Here my solution
local env = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/.config/nvim/env.lua'
if vim.env.OPENAI_API_KEY == nil then
print('Please set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable')
local status_neural, neural = pcall(require, 'neural')
if not status_neural then
open_ai = {
api_key = vim.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
env.lua ( use gitignore on this file )
vim.cmd("let $OPENAI_API_KEY='<PUT-YOUR-KEY-HERE>'")
You can also use a system environment variable.
inside neovim config:
open_ai = {
api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_SECRET_KEY")
then just set the environment variable in a shell login script (for example in bash, zsh):
export OPENAI_SECRET_KEY='<your secret key>'
NOTE you'll need to restart you shell.
If you go for an environment variable, please call it $OPENAI_API_KEY to have the same as jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim for us who use both plugins :)
You can now use whatever environment variable you wish for the API key e.g.
-- Configure Neural like so in Lua
source = {
openai = {
api_key = vim.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,