
mafExtractor would split MSA even they should be together

zy041225 opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm dealing with my MSA using mafExtractor, but some output is split into two or more alignments when they should be one.

For example, when running the following command
mafExtractor --maf chrX.nonoverlap.maf --seq "hsap.chrX" --start 100067347 --stop 100067714 > split/chrX.nonoverlap.maf.100067347-100067714.maf

one of the MSA

are split into multiple parts

and if I add --soft, it output the same alignment as input without extraction

Please check.

I'm pretty sure it's doing the right thing here. The sequence you asked for, hsap.chrX, has gaps in it. mafExtractor only cares about that sequence so any insertions are left out.

Thanks for the explanation. BTW, will mafExtractor check if there's any gap in reference only?