
Add Google Adsense support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Please add Google Adsense support for the blogs

Thanks for the request, @gopaldas958. I'll take a look at this some time in the next week or two, but presently Adsense is not on the roadmap.

The latest merge (#60) adds custom components, which you can take advantage of if you know some React. To use it:

  • Make sure you're on the lateset version of Eggspress (use Sync Fork in Github's web interface)
  • Create a folder called my_components inside of your workspace (along side my_posts, my_pages, etc.)
  • Create a component file, e.g. Adsense.tsx
  • If you're using dependencies, list them in comma-separated string in the first line of your component file (e.g. // chart.js, react-chartjs-2)
  • In your Markdown content, directly write <Adsense />

I do have plans for adding examples of such components. I will update here if an Adsense component is one of them.