
Package affected by Babel 6 inheritance bug.

fabiosantoscode opened this issue · 3 comments

This package (as well as isomorphic-relay-router) currently doesn't work in IE due to a very serious inheritance bug in Babel 6.

The class IsomorphicRenderer doesn't define a default constructor, so one is made for it:

        function IsomorphicRenderer() {
            (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, IsomorphicRenderer);
            return (0, _possibleConstructorReturn3.default)(this, (0, _getPrototypeOf2.default)(IsomorphicRenderer).apply(this, arguments));

The idea of this default constructor is to call the parent class's constructor. However, this does not work (because IE<10 lacks __proto__?), though.

The current workaround is to vendor the module (as opposed to using npm install) and use babel 5 to compile it.

I've just verified that dropping in a new magical getPrototypeOf gets everything working again.

Hi @fabiosantoscode. Thanks for pointing that out. Should be fixed in the latest releases of isomorphic-relay and isomorphic-relay-router. Could you verify it works now?

Hello, I've just verified that this works perfectly using the latest releases.

Thank you!