
git branch and git tag commands output is empty

varya opened this issue · 2 comments

varya commented

The problem is possible around here

 42 # Default pager
 43 export PAGER='less'
 45 # less options
 46 less_opts=(
 47   # Quit if entire file fits on first screen.
 48   --quit-if-one-screen
 49   # Ignore case in searches that do not contain uppercase.
 50   --ignore-case
 51   # Allow ANSI colour escapes, but no other escapes.
 53   # Quiet the terminal bell. (when trying to scroll past the end of the buffer)
 54   --quiet
 55   # Do not complain when we are on a dumb terminal.
 56   --dumb
 57 )
 58 export LESS="${less_opts[*]}"

Starts working if I remove these lines.

varya commented

I offered my fix here. But maybe the is better way, I don't know much about less options.