depado/goploader Documentation

depado opened this issue · 6 comments

As for now the only documentation available is on, that would be better to have a real documentation in the file in the repo, in case is taken down for whatever reason.


Wouldn't it be better to have the documentation in the Wiki section of the repo ?
I see that a few sections have been started.

Yeah I started doing that. And as I rewrote the documentation using MkDocs, it will be way simpler to export it to the wiki. I'll do that when I have time ☺

Thanks for commenting. Anyway, the documentation is now here.

Thanks, I just discovered the language highlighting feature and line numbering.
I can help exporting the doc I guess, I have some time.

I don't know if that's possible though.
Don't worry I'll do it ;)

Alright, thanks !

Done ☺ Some links are not working though. I'll fix this later. For now is still the preferred way to get the documentation.