
Dependabot Core version in Gemfile is still 0.209.0

Kimor-hello opened this issue · 1 comments


Thanks for updating the dependabot-core version in the Dockerfile !!

However I need some code that have been deployed on a later version and while debugging I noticed that the User-Agent on all requests is:
"User-Agent" => "dependabot-core/0.209.0 excon/0.92.4 ruby/2.7.6 (x86_64-linux) (+"

Then, looking in the code I noticed the Gemfile is still looking for an old version:

gem "dependabot-omnibus", "~> 0.209.0"

Will you update it ?
Thanks :)

Yes ! @jeffwidman 👀
Can you please update with the latest version ? (0.221.0 I think )
I see the PR #928 is in check failure