
Fails with an error when resolving import of the js file that has the same-named ".d.ts" type-definition file

williamvinogradov opened this issue · 1 comments

Fails with an error when resolving import of the js file that has the same-named ".d.ts" type-definition file
with 'noTypeDefinitions' set to true

File structure:

 |- bar.ts // ts file with "import something from '@test/foo';"
 |- foo.js
 |- foo.d.ts // type-definition file with the same name

The script that resolves imports:

import cabinet from 'filing-cabinet';

const pathToDirectory = './';
const result = cabinet({ 
  partial: '@test/foo',
  `${pathToDirectory}/bar.ts`, // fileName
  pathToDirectory, // directory
  tsConfig: {
    compilerOptions: {
      allowJs: true,
      moduleResolution: 'node',
      baseUrl: pathToDirectory,
      paths: {
        '@test/*': ['*'],
  noTypeDefinitions: true,

console.log('result: ', result);

Expected result:

result: <path_to_directory>/foo.js

Actual result:
Fails with the next error:

Error: Could not resolve JS module '@test/foo'

Fixed via #113