
Test request: Hetzner ipv6 only instance

bretton opened this issue · 7 comments

It's not known how the script works with ipv6-only instances. ipv4 addresses are an addon now.

There is a corresponding issue here

@bretton Step 1: Make available over IPv6 :)

@bretton Step 1: Make available over IPv6 :)

doh! should be fixed

@bretton With the latest changes, I managed to do a full IPv6 only install now.

Server type: AX51-NVMe

This is how the procedure worked (there were a few bumps in the road):

Setup Procedure

  • Log into Robot, reboot into Linux rescue mode using key based auth
  • Run the standard procedure:
    wget && \
      chmod 755 && \
      ./ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • ssh into mfsbsd@<ipaddr> port 1022 as shown by
  • Run:
    sudo bash
  • Pre-fetch bsd distribution files:
    cd /tmp
    mkdir download
    cd download
    ln -s /tmp/download /usr/freebsd-dist
    sha256 *txz
  • Compare checksums with
  • Run bsdinstall, skip over all network settings
  • Auto ZFS setup with the following settings:
    • Pool Type/Disks: mirror
    • Pool Name: zroot
    • Force 4K Sectors?: YES
    • Encrypt Disks: NO
    • Partition Scheme: GPT (UEFI+BIOS)
    • Swap Size: 64GB
    • Mirror Swap: YES
    • Encrypt Swap: YES
  • Finish setup, add unprivileged user and invited it to group wheel
  • At the end of bsdinstall, select YES to open a shell in the new system
  • Modify /etc/resolv.conf to contain Hetzner resolvers:
    cat >/etc/resolv.conf <<EOF
    nameserver 2a01:4ff:ff00::add:1
    nameserver 2a01:4ff:ff00::add:2 
  • Install a couple of useful packages:
    pkg install bash sudo joe openntpd
  • Configure networking (replace 2001:dead:beef:12::2 with your server's IP):
    sysrc ifconfig_igb0_name="untrusted"
    sysrc ifconfig_untrusted_ipv6="up"
    sysrc ifconfig_untrusted_aliases="inet6 2001:dead:beef:12::2/64"
    sysrc ipv6_defaultrouter="fe80::1%untrusted"
  • Configure sudo:
    cat > /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/wheel<<EOF
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Enable openntpd
     service openntpd enable
  • Alter /etc/fstab to contain the correct partition name for the EFI partition (and comment it out):
    # Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
    #/dev/nvd0p1            /boot/efi       msdosfs rw              2       2
    /dev/mirror/swap.eli            none    swap    sw              0       0


  • For this server, the correct network interface name was igb0, not em0 what is used while configuring it within QEMU.
  • The NVMe SSDs will be called /dev/nvd0 and /dev/nvd1 once booted, within QEMU they are called /dev/ada0 and /dev/ada1. When installing a UEFI enabled boot loader, this creates the wrong entry in /etc/fstab, which will stop the server from booting correctly. It's best to comment out that line if it isn't needed (or correct the device name).
  • You can switch your server to boot from UEFI at Hetzner (quick support ticket is enough, they are very responsive). Be aware that the boot order might be off by accident and therefore the rescue system might not work anymore. If this is the case, request a KVM remote console and enter the BIOS (F2) on boot to change the boot order to be:
    1. PXE IP4
    2. UEFI OS (SSD)
    3. EFI Menu
    4. PXE IP6


bsdinstall ZFS settings

Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 10 36 18

For most applications it might make more sense to select GPT (BIOS) - i.e., no UEFI - as the partition scheme in bsdinstall.

Correct UEFI BIOS Boot Order

This will allow to keep using the rescue system, which relies on PXE-boot:

Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 17 29 34

thanks @grembo

is the scripted bsdinstall outlined at not sufficient?

adapts to variables

necessary updates can be added there

thanks @grembo

is the scripted bsdinstall outlined at not sufficient?

adapts to variables

necessary updates can be added there

I didn't test the scripted one, as I was following "my" standard setup, sorry. But I would probably not include IP setup that way and the remarks regarding GPT+UEFI still apply :)

I'll close this as successful test

grembo commented

NOTE: Since FreeBSD 13.2, the correct gpt label is used in /etc/fstab, so commenting out is not mandatory anymore.