
CI runs fail

bnavigator opened this issue · 0 comments

The CI runs on PRs fail unrelated to the actual change:

>               links = tuple(REX_LINK.findall(record['advisory']))
E               TypeError: string indices must be integers

dephell/controllers/ TypeError
>       return StreamReader(protocol, loop=loop)
E       TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'limit'
../../../.local/share/dephell/venvs/dephell-rRHZ/pytest/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aioresponses/ TypeError
FAILED tests/test_commands/ - Type...
FAILED tests/test_controllers/ - TypeError: string...
FAILED tests/test_repositories/ - TypeErr...
FAILED tests/test_repositories/ - Ty...
FAILED tests/test_repositories/[0.1.2] - ...
FAILED tests/test_repositories/[version1]
FAILED tests/test_repositories/[0.1.2]
FAILED tests/test_repositories/[version1]

No response on PRs and issues in weeks. Do you intend to maintain this project or is it dead?