
Example armory_actions has export error

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I'm using arm sdk 0.5 from today with latest examples, both fresh from github and encountered the following export error after [Play] Runtime: Krom, Camera:Scene with actions.blend

Read prefs: C:\Users\tkumlehn\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\config\userpref.blend
found bundled python: C:\Armory\2.79\python
Read blend: C:\Users\tkumlehn\src\armory_examples\animation_actions\actions.blend
Project updated to sdk v0.5
Project cleaned

Armory v0.5 ($Id: 5f51cc8a9798177bb49594c3f57c8045f811c261 $)
OS: win, Target: krom, GAPI: opengl, Blender: 2.79 (sub 1)
Exporting Scene
Exporting armature action Run-M
Exporting armature action Idle-M
Exporting armature action Charge-Punch-M
Exporting armature action Left-Punch-M
Exporting armature action Rest
Exporting mesh Plane
Exporting mesh meHumanMale
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 499, in execute
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 392, in play
    build(target=runtime_to_target(is_viewport), is_play=True, is_viewport=is_viewport)
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 339, in build
    export_data(fp, sdk_path)
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 107, in export_data
    exporter.execute(bpy.context, asset_path, scene=scene)
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 2164, in execute
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 2022, in export_objects
    self.export_mesh(objectRef, scene)
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 1511, in export_mesh
    self.export_skin(bobject, armature, vert_list, o)
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 1148, in export_skin
    self.add_constraints(bone, oskin, bone=True)
  File "C:/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\", line 2496, in add_constraints
    if != None:
AttributeError: 'MaintainVolumeConstraint' object has no attribute 'target'
location: <unknown location>:-1
location: <unknown location>:-1