
Add more solutions?

MicPie opened this issue · 5 comments

Thanks for the exceptional depthfirstlearning material!

I am currently working through the InfoGAN material and put together a small repo with my solutions.
If the solutions are of interest for the InfoGAN page I could add them to your repo.

I would be happy contribute to this great project.

Kind regards

Wow, this is awesome! We are certainly interested in adding these onto the page.

Do you have cycles to make this look great via LaTeX (in the browser, we use MathJax) and some other formatting changes?

I am still working on the formatting of my repo, as I am also not happy with the readability.

For the pull requests to your repo I will try to fit to the depthfirstlearning style.
Are there other important points to keep in mind besides the LaTeX/MathJax formatting?

Excellent, let us know when you've progressed in design.

I just created my first PR ( for solutions and optional reading material.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Awesome! We'll get back to you on this shortly; Right now, we are preoccupied with sorting out the Fellowship.