
Facebook disconnects with various error messages

ayl001 opened this issue · 14 comments

Facebook plugin disconnects every some 45 sec, with different messages : "unknown error" "unknown http error" "error http 500". This way pidgin is unusable with FB :(

Well I followed the line at and got a debugging log of more than 2MB. What may I extract from there ? I would say the last lines where facebook disconnect ? If somebody wants the full log where could I post it ?

Here maybe an interesting part of the log (although it does not give more information about the error that what I saw before:
$ tail -n 150 pidgin.log
(19:07:16) util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/abdallah/.purple
(19:07:16) util: Writing file /home/abdallah/.purple/blist.xml
(19:07:36) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:36) dbus: The signal "drawing-tooltip" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:37) GLib: Source ID 5286 was not found when attempting to remove it
(19:07:40) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:40) dbus: The signal "drawing-tooltip" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:40) GLib: Source ID 5302 was not found when attempting to remove it
(19:07:41) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:41) dbus: The signal "drawing-tooltip" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:43) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:43) dbus: The signal "conversation-displayed" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:43) gtkconv: setting active conversation on toolbar 0x55cb154f05a0
(19:07:43) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/toolbar/wide changed, scheduling save.
(19:07:43) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:43) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:43) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:43) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:07:43) gtkconv: setting active conversation on toolbar 0x55cb154f05a0
(19:07:43) GLib: Source ID 5318 was not found when attempting to remove it
(19:07:44) http: Timeout reached for request 0x55cb142defb0
(19:07:44) http: Cancelling connection 0x55cb142defb0...
(19:07:44) http: releasing a socket: 0x55cb14f040c0
(19:07:44) http: destroying socket: 0x55cb14f040c0
(19:07:44) http: Request 0x55cb142defb0 performed without success.
(19:07:44) facebook: HTTP Response (0x55cb142defb0):
(19:07:44) facebook: Response Error: Unknown HTTP error (0)
(19:07:44) connection: Connection error on 0x55cb13f1b540 (reason: 0 description: Unknown HTTP error)
(19:07:44) account: Disconnecting account [redacted] (0x55cb133f4490)
(19:07:44) connection: Disconnecting connection 0x55cb13f1b540
(19:07:44) facebook: Writing 14 (flags: 0x0)
(19:07:44) facebook: 00000000 e0 00 |..|
(19:07:44) facebook: 00000010
(19:07:44) gtkutils: gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() returned nothing for file /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/16/skype.png: Impossible d’ouvrir le fichier « /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/16/skype.png » : Permission non accordée
(19:07:44) connection: Destroying connection 0x55cb13f1b540
(19:07:49) util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/abdallah/.purple
(19:07:49) util: Writing file /home/abdallah/.purple/prefs.xml
(19:07:49) util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory /home/abdallah/.purple
(19:07:49) util: Writing file /home/abdallah/.purple/accounts.xml
(19:07:49) util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/abdallah/.purple
(19:07:49) util: Writing file /home/abdallah/.purple/blist.xml
(19:08:03) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:08:03) dbus: The signal "drawing-tooltip" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.)
(19:08:04) GLib: Source ID 8386 was not found when attempting to remove it
(19:08:19) account: Disconnecting account [redacted] (0x55cb133f5360)
What follow isquitting pidgin ~50 lines I skip

The page says where to send it, but, anyway, that snippet might be enough. It really sounds like a network issue, some firewall, proxy or whatever. Some http request is timing out. Not sure which (look for other mentions of 0x55cb142defb0 up in the same file), but there aren't many.

:( I squeezed the log, my fault and now this does not disconnect. It did yesterday night and I left pidgin running, and now the connexion seems stable. The socket might have another name. Well... there are somme disco/reco in the log I have

dequis, do you want me to send you another log?

You could, but it's not very useful information. Still boils down to your network having issues.

Mmmh why don't I have such problem with other account (Jabber) and other applications? From time to time it is stable, right now I'm connected to FB OK. This /might/ be network account on my side (I'm on wifi) but why this only affects purple-facebook?

I have a scenario: could it be a problem of port forwarding? How to test it?

Well this is the same problem using wire. The problem is not due to wifi, then. But I am behind the same box… It's pissing me off.

(12:31:13) jabber: Sending (ssl) (xxx/73747FDF):
(12:31:13) jabber: Recv (ssl)(70):
(12:31:17) http: Request 045953B0 performed without success.
(12:31:17) connection: Connection error on 04FC82A0 (reason: 0 description: An unknown error occurred)
(12:31:17) account: Disconnecting account xxx (026B6DB8)
(12:31:17) connection: Disconnecting connection 04FC82A0
(12:31:17) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO
(12:31:17) connection: Destroying connection 04FC82A0

Facebook disconnects regularly.

I've had problems with this plugin for a while, it refuses to log me in: "ERROR_QUEUE_UNDERFLOW"
It doesn't matter which computer I use, nor the network I'm on (I have tried more than ten, no firewalls blocking me). It just refuses to let me in.
It simply won't work.

I've had problems with this plugin for a while, it refuses to log me in: "ERROR_QUEUE_UNDERFLOW"
It doesn't matter which computer I use, nor the network I'm on (I have tried more than ten, no firewalls blocking me). It just refuses to let me in.
It simply won't work.

Same here!

(16:11:29) connection: Connection error on 07555XXXXX (reason: 0 description: ERROR_QUEUE_UNDERFLOW)

Uhh, you're all mixing things here and the original issue was just a network-related timeout. There's another ticket for ERROR_QUEUE_UNDERFLOW, go there.