
End-to-End Encryption and purple-facebook

jeremyp3 opened this issue · 40 comments

for several weeks now, facebook has been rolling out end-to-end encryption on messenger for all conversations.

when this end-to-end encryption is activated on a conversation, you can no longer interact with it from your pidgin. you no longer receive messages concerning it, and when you try to send a message, you receive an error from facebook: "Failed to send message".

when using the messenger application, there doesn't seem to be a way to disable this end-to-end encryption, or else I haven't found it...

in any case, I'm noting it here, because in my opinion, this will make the plugin obsolete if end-to-end encryption becomes even more widespread...

We need some kind of fix. I wonder if there is a Facebook API for this.

I've been having issues connecting to FB via both Pidgin and Miranda-NG for several days. I'm wondering if it has something to do with end to end encryption (or if it is perhaps just FB deciding to be weird for my account). I certainly didn't go and turn e2e on myself!

(there's also an issue for e2e open at Miranda: miranda-ng/miranda-ng#4169)

Here's a whitepaper describing how E2E encryption works in Messenger:

It might be a good starting point for implementing this.

So, no solution so far, eh?