
ntp service via WebSocket

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Go Reference


WebNTP is NTP(-like) service via HTTP/WebSocket.


First, go install and start the WebNTP Server.

$ go install github.com/shogo82148/go-webntp/cmd/webntp
$ webntp -serve :8080

Sync with the server via HTTP.

$ webntp http://localhost:8080/
server http://localhost:8080/, offset -0.000066, delay 0.001453
2017-03-11 18:25:10.905049427 +0900 JST, server http://localhost:8080/, offset -0.000066

Sync with the server via WebSocket.

$ webntp ws://localhost:8080/
server ws://localhost:8080/, offset -0.000013, delay 0.000288
2017-03-11 18:25:36.668531757 +0900 JST, server ws://localhost:8080/, offset -0.000013

I provide a public WebNTP API.

$ webntp https://webntp.shogo82148.com/api
server https://webntp.shogo82148.com/api, offset -0.006376, delay 0.024411
2017-03-11 16:08:06.150393313 +0900 JST, server https://webntp.shogo82148.com/api, offset -0.006376

Shared Memory support for ntpd

Add a new server to your ntpd.conf.

server noselect
fudge refid PYTH stratum 10

Run WebNTP with -shm 2 option.

$ webntp -p 1 -shm 2 https://webntp.shogo82148.com/api
server https://webntp.shogo82148.com/api, offset -0.003258, delay 0.018910

ntpd starts syncing with WebNTP.

$ ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 SHM(2)          .PYTH.          10 l    2   64   17    0.000   -3.331   0.384
*webntp.shogo82. .NICT.           1 u   58   64   37   10.280    1.494   2.028


$ webntp --help
    	allow cross origin request
    	show help
  -leap-second-path string
    	path for leap-seconds.list cache (default "leap-seconds.list")
  -leap-second-url string
    	url for leap-seconds.list (default "https://www.ietf.org/timezones/data/leap-seconds.list")
  -p int
    	Specify the number of samples (default 4)
  -serve string
    	server host name
  -shm uint
    	ntpd shared-memory-segment



The WebNTP clients access to http://example.com/?<timestamp>, and then the WebNTP server returns the time information formatted by JSON.

  • id: hostname of the server
  • it: the client's timestamp of the request transmission
  • st: the server's timestamp
  • leap: the seconds of TAI - UTC (before next)
  • next: the timestamp of the next or last leap second
  • step: positive leap second: 1, negative leap second: -1


$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/?1489217288.328757 | jq .
  "id": "localhost:8080",
  "it": 1489217288.328757,
  "st": 1489224472.995564,
  "time": 1489224472.995564,
  "leap": 36,
  "next": 1483228800,
  "step": 1

It is based on the document of http/https service by NICT (the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology). (the content is written in Japanese)

JSON over WebSocket

The WebNTP clients send a message including timestamp, and then the WebNTP server returns the time information formatted by JSON. JSON format is same as HTTP response.


$ wscat --connect localhost:8080
connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> 1558915619.944235
< {"id":"localhost:8080","it":1558915619.944235,"st":1558916776.363423,"time":1558916776.363423,"leap":36,"next":1483228800.000000,"step":1}

Time over HTTPS with Improved timekeeping response

The clients send HEAD /.well-known/time HTTP request, and then the server returns the timestamp in the response header.

X-HTTPSTIME: <timestamp>


$ curl -I localhost:8080
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
X-Httpstime: 1558915632.285965
Date: Mon, 27 May 2019 00:07:12 GMT

It is based on Time over HTTPS specification.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.



docker build -t webntp .
docker run -p 8080:8080 webntp

ECR プッシュ

# MFA認証
$ sh set-aws-token.sh <current MFA token>
# Dockerログイン
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 --profile default-session | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 808106573293.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com
# ビルド & タグ付け
$ docker build -t go-webntp . && docker tag go-webntp:latest 808106573293.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/go-webntp:latest
# プッシュ
$ docker push 808106573293.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/go-webntp:latest