- 0
Show the date the Journal was created and the date it was last updated on the Cards, and on the display Journal screen
#8 opened by desaawa - 0
Put Journals under their appropriate sections
#13 opened by desaawa - 0
Make Journal Public, Private, or Shared
#12 opened by desaawa - 3
Make Journal Private, Public, or Shared
#6 opened by desaawa - 0
- 4
The All Journals screen should be divided into three sections: Private Journals, Public, and Share Journals
#7 opened by desaawa - 4
Bug: clicking Create Note icon on the header opens Create Note screen with last selected not instead of empty input fields
#5 opened by desaawa - 2
- 0
- 0
On Journal display screen, a user should be able to change background color and font size
#3 opened by desaawa - 0