Combination with masonry, infinitescroll and gifs
MrMooky opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm having some trouble with posted gifs in combination with imagesloaded and masonry. Basically, this happens quite often:
The initial loading seems to work fine, but as soon as the second or third page loads with infinite-scroll, the gifs are cut off sometimes. How could I prevent this?
How my code looks like:
$.getScript("", function() {
$.getScript("", function() {
$grid = $('.timeline__posts__container .posts').masonry({
itemSelector: 'none',
columnWidth: '.grid__col-sizer',
gutter: '.grid__gutter-sizer',
percentPosition: true,
stagger: 30,
visibleStyle: { transform: 'translateY(0)', opacity: 1 },
hiddenStyle: { transform: 'translateY(100px)', opacity: 0 },
// get Masonry instance
var msnry = $'masonry');
// initial items reveal
$grid.imagesLoaded( function() {
$grid.masonry( 'option', { itemSelector: '.timeline__post' });
var $items = $grid.find('.timeline__post');
$grid.masonry('appended', $items);
path: '.nextPage',
append: '.single__post',
outlayer: msnry,
status: '.page-load-status',
history: false,
hideNav: 'ul.pagination'
Thanks for reporting this issue. Do you have a live URL I could take a look at?
You can see it on You can login with User and Pass 'desandro'.
Thanks for that. I didn't see the overlap in Chrome or Firefox, but I did see it in Safari. In which case, look at metafizzy/infinite-scroll#671 for some related solutions
Ah, great. I'll check if any workaround mentioned there works. Thanks a lot for checking and your feedback. :)