- crackcomm
- mpontonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
- nickjonesAustin, TX
- hoop33Jacksonville, FL
- tempurai
- mrsinhamParis
- tommasoturchiFlorence, Italy
- md-farens
- atakanozceviz
- zac-garby(Dorchester + Nottingham) ⨉ England
- jianyuanLondon
- elvuelShanghai
- montanaflynn
- lh0n
- c4miloMedellín and New York.
- paultyngBaltimore, MD
- jersonLima, Perú
- corylanouCadott, WI
- daktariMadrid (Spain)
- mindreframerGermany, Berlin
- raviqqeOn the Internet
- HandoraBeijing
- codeskyblueHangzhou China
- cybertanyellow
- thedillonbBoston, MA
- odkntTokyo (Japan)
- palicaoBerlin, Germany
- gpahalBangalore, India
- tbobmParis, France
- FrontMageChina
- opragel
- alexdorDenmark
- obenjiroMoscow
- neophyt3Mumbai, India
- awdrius
- guitmzBerlin