
Unsure why this doesn't work

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments

$ oathtool --totp -b "SECRET_KEY" | pbcopy
$ pbpaste

But using the same with icanhazshortcut doesn't seem to work. Any idea why this is? and how to fix it?

Thanks for creating this nifty tool! Super useful ๐Ÿ‘

First of all make sure that you selected a shell which support piping (such as bash). You can do that under "Preferences" tab.
If that's not the case then i bet that this is a $PATH problem. Try to provide a full path to oathtool binary, you can find it by calling which oathtool in your terminal.

Whoa... Yes, it was a $PATH problem after all. Giving a full path worked! Is there a way to make ichs use the PATH set for a shell?

Closing this issue!

The shell you selected should load its configuration file every time it runs.
You can probably just select a shell that you use in your terminal (echo $SHELL should help with that). Otherwise, you should manually set the $PATH variable in your selected shell config (~/.bashrc for bash, ~/.zshrc for zsh, etc), like that:

Actually your question made me think that maybe i should introduce some sort of a "test run" functionality and show the command output. That should make everything much easier.

@navinpai starting from version 0.8.0 you can perform a test run from shortcut creation/editing dialog.

It works perfectly! And the new error message is so much more helpful

screen shot 2017-05-05 at 12 14 43 pm

Thanks for the quick turnaround! ๐Ÿ‘

Can you support .bash_profile? It's standard on OS X.

I have $HOME/bin in my $PATH, and set bash as the shell but I still have to type the full path to a command residing in $HOME/bin, in ICanHazShortcut's action field (eg. ~/bin/play).

> echo $PATH
> /Users/soulitude/bin:/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

It looks like it has something to do with interactive and non-interactive mode of the shell.
Running bash with -l makes it load .bash_profile. I'm not sure what is the best way to solve it, should i just provide a way to define shell arguments?

The usual convention is that .bash_profile will be executed at login shells, i.e. interactive shells where you login with your user name and password at the beginning. When you ssh into a remote host, it will ask you for user name and password (or some other authentication) to log in, so it is a login shell.

When you open a terminal application, it does not ask for login. You will just get a command prompt. In other versions of Unix or Linux, this will not run the .bash_profile but a different file .bashrc. The underlying idea is that the .bash_profile should be run only once when you login, and the .bashrc for every new interactive shell.

However, on macOS, does not follow this convention. When opens a new window, it will run .bash_profile. Not, as users familiar with other Unix systems would expect, .bashrc.

source: always reads .bash_profile by default, be it login or interactive shell so, I assumed it to be default on OS X.

There are 3 options:

  1. Shell arguments would be a flexible option for all users.
  2. Provide a text box as the Action field to actually be able to enter a path to a script or an actual multiline script.
  3. Forget about it, I'll just enter the full path, not too big of an issue.

BTW, other apps with the same functionality of ICHS are also incapable of reading my $PATH. Shortcuts and Keyboard Maestro, at least provide option 2 so I can use:


# /usr/local/bin is added when the script has dependencies there
export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH


Thanks, that's some useful info here!

3 is not an option since you're the second person who stumbled upon this and i agree that this is confusing. Also, in-app help actually states the opposite :(


I think i'll go with the 1st one. I tried to hardcode it and it works totally fine with -l.

If you want to add anything on that topic please move to #26