
Action Name

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Please add a field to provide an action name, to have more meaningful titles showing up in the menubar, instead of the whole command gibberish.

Good idea.

@MEGADR01D looks like i'm finished with this and other tasks for 1.1 release.
If you can test it, please do. Changes are pretty huge, so expect bugs (your config file will be backed up, though).

A couple of things worth mentioning about how i approached this task:

  1. "Action" was renamed to "Command", as action now acts as a name.
  2. Action field is completely optional (for compatibility and common sense).
  3. Menu entries will be populated from action if one exists (with a fallback to a full command).

Already downloaded and tested. Looks good, I like the "optional" approach to serve all user cases.
So far, no bugs detected, except some minor text alignment in the "About" window.
Thanks for the improvement. Closing this issue.

Cool, thanks.

minor text alignment in the "About" window

Can you elaborate?

On the "created" and "icons by":


OK, found 2 more bugs.

  1. Open the Shortcuts window
  2. Select a command (let's call it command1)
  3. Edit it (pencil icon or double-click)
  4. Cancel (apply changes works correctly and doesn't trigger the bug)
  5. Select the same command (command1)
  6. Add a new shortcut
  7. Enter new shortcut key and command info
  8. Apply changes

The original command (command1) gets overwritten.

The second bug is just a minor issue but, when editing a command, you need to press Tab / Shift Tab 2 times to switch between text fields.

fixed, fixed and fixed :)

I'm going to release 1.1 on friday if no one is going to find anything else.